Jun 18, 2009 21:49

That's right folks, I am in Paris. It's my...third? Yeah, third day here. I mean, if you count the day I arrived (which was actually in the evening). I have so far done two walking tours, the free one and the Montmatre one, checked out the Louvre (very big, hard to figure out how to get around and apparently you need to PROVE your age when ( Read more... )

where in the world is adri at the moment, yay!, friends, adventures with adri

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Comments 7

sneeze042 June 18 2009, 21:15:45 UTC
My summer is good though not as good as when I will see my Adri! I've been going to CHOP to observe stuff at the cytogenetics lab and with the genetic counselors, so I've been learning a lot of stuff about genetics.


typo1138 June 19 2009, 04:21:24 UTC
Guah, now I want to go to Paris even more! Jealouuus.
(Also, did catch that Anastasia ref ;D )

Man, everyone sounds so friendly. LOL the French, always breakin' the norm and being haughty. ILU Titu XD

OMG I just rewatched that episode! XD You can pretend I was there when you thought of it, if that makes you feel better.

Yea, it's weird how Chinese food is different anywhere...and I'm sorry it was le suck, is it sucky in all of France? Also interestingly, Chinese food was like Red Lobster-quality in Tokyo.

Gosh, London'll be great....*_* Look out for David Tennant! (speaking of which, have you seen my short rant about how California cons can suck it? :D)

I've been up to not much, can't get a job so am kind of bored...but we did well at AnimeNEXT, if you read Venus' LJ! None of it is nearly as exciting as your summer ya know XD


superri June 19 2009, 10:05:12 UTC
I'm glad someone did! Sadly, Paris does not make it as my FAVORITE CITY EVAR but it is up there. So far the only people who have been rude are the ones who hit you when they walk by in a rush somewhere and don't bother apologizing. THEY are assholes but every city has 'em. I have gotten two free rides on the metro because I guess I looked sad enough that my ticket didn't work so some guys took pity on me and let me in using their special pass thing.

Red Lobster quality? What does that mean? *is ignorant little Jew girl*

OMG I heard about David Tennant AND Peter Jackson being there AND pretty much every actor/writer/director I have ever loved. CA ComicCon can totally suck it.

I read Venus' summary and it sounds like you had a great time! I wonder what happened with Nicole's RRPS tournament. Hope no fingers were lost. I don't consider this summer quite yet. Once I'm in London, THEN it can be summer.


typo1138 June 19 2009, 17:16:33 UTC
Oh, what's your favorite city evar then? Just curious :3
And at least you got those free rides, can you imagine getting free rides from someone in NYC? At least, I never have.

Lol whoops, Red Lobster is like (to my family anyways) semi-fancy, birthday/anniversary restaurant. Poor Jewgirl, never having those delicious RL biscuits....*drool*

Nicole's being pessimistic about it, but Amanda and Deanna helped her and they seemed to think it went well. They had waaay more people than they expected show up so it was a bit difficult, I think.


superri June 19 2009, 18:10:48 UTC
If I visit you in NJ, will you take me to RL? I'm curious and I've never had lobster.

My favorite city? In Europe, probably London. I haven't exactly been to that many places so I can't really decide for sure but I keep coming back to London. I want to live there at some point but not permanently.


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