Book Meme 2021!

Feb 15, 2021 23:06

Hey! This is going around and I haven't done a book meme in a while so I'm giving it a whirl!

1. Which book would you consider the best book you’ve ever read and why?

It would be impossible to say, but I do think that Outlander (Diana Gabaldon) has everything I want in a novel/series, which is a pretty rare thing.

2. Are you an Austen person or a ( Read more... )

books, meme

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Comments 5

kazluvsbooks February 15 2021, 21:28:51 UTC

I agree on outlander!! And reading in the bath 🛀 ♥️


supernutjapan February 15 2021, 23:22:04 UTC
It´s hard to beat! Yay💓


tyrsibs February 20 2021, 18:00:26 UTC
We have a cat named Momo! She was named by my boys, who thought she looked like the flying lemur on The Last Avatar. The lemur is a boy-but I was happy to find that the word means "peach" in Japanese. I had not heard of the Michael Ende book. I think it may be hard to find an English translation?


supernutjapan February 21 2021, 00:19:54 UTC
Oh yes, Momo is totally a girl's name in Japanese. It can mean peach (or peach blossom) 桃 or spring growth (a beginning) 萌々or a hundred/many (as in many talents) 百 depending on the character. We would have probably gone with the second meaning. here is a link for Momo in English at It's around, maybe just not as popular as Neverending Story. It's deeper, I think. More philosophical. I might have read it in Japanese actually LOL


tyrsibs February 21 2021, 03:03:49 UTC
Thank you for the link! I'll check it out.


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