
Mar 03, 2020 19:28

It´s time for an update again. Two new developments since the last time - Audrey's school has ended one month before graduation due to the Corona Virus scare.  She is now trying her best to do her work at home.

Her JH uniform will not arrive in time for her to wear it to her graduation like most children, so we will have to prepare something else ( Read more... )

the last kingdom, tv, the flash, outlander, nature, van helsing, my day

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Comments 19

borgmama1of5 March 3 2020, 14:02:29 UTC
Stay safe!


supernutjapan March 11 2020, 03:14:23 UTC
Thank you! You too!!


cuddyclothes March 3 2020, 16:11:45 UTC
That's too bad about the choir contest. And the reaction to the pandemic. We're seeing that here.

The pictures are lovely!!


supernutjapan March 11 2020, 03:15:13 UTC
It was. I'm seeing the toilet paper issue in many countries on Facebook.
Thank you!!


ellerkay March 4 2020, 17:47:58 UTC
Glad to see a post from you! Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. :D I especially love the plum tree - what beautiful composition. <3


supernutjapan March 11 2020, 03:15:31 UTC
Thank you!! <3<3


dizzojay March 5 2020, 20:27:50 UTC
I honestly can't believe people sometimes. That panic buying is going on here too. You can't buy antibacterial hand gel anywhere - people are selling it on Ebay; a bottle you'd buy in the store for £1.50 is being sold for £10 or even more. Pathetic.

Those blossoms are beautiful - no blossoms here yet, it's too early, and anyway the weather has been vile for weeks. Any blossoms that tried to bloom would be hammered flat by the rain!

Always good to hear from you :)


supernutjapan March 11 2020, 03:16:15 UTC
Lots of blossoms now<3 Hope your weather has improved too!


yeuxdebleu March 7 2020, 01:48:23 UTC
The over reaction to the coronavirus is pretty bad here, too. And our jerk of a president isn't helping. I'm sorry it has so adversely affected your and your family's plans.

I decided a long time ago to treat the films of Outlander as totally separate from the books and just enjoy each on its own merits.


supernutjapan March 11 2020, 03:17:49 UTC
At least we are not getting sick! You take care too.
It was hard for me to do that when I was watching one ep at a time, but so much easier binging!


yeuxdebleu March 12 2020, 06:15:58 UTC
I love bingeing, but sometime it's hard to stop. I keep thinking, "just one more episode." *rolls eyes*


supernutjapan March 12 2020, 06:30:40 UTC
Sometimes? LOL Yes, that is definitely a problem, especially when you run out of episodes to watch :P


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