15-8 Our Father Who Aren't in Heaven Thoughts, Screencaps and Poll

Dec 13, 2019 15:48

What did you think of this ep? Tell me :D
Poll 15-8 Our Father Who Aren't in Heaven
My thoughts )

poll, spn, thoughts, screencaps, season 15, spn episodes

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Comments 2

ellerkay December 13 2019, 18:52:06 UTC
I really enjoyed this one! I loved Adam and Michael's unexpectedly friendly relationship, seeing Donatello again (what a fantastic Rob Benedict impression the actor did!), QUEEN OF HELL ROWENA!!!! :D That was my immediate headcanon about her death - and I know I wasn't alone - but I didn't expect we'd actually get to see it! DELIGHTFUL. Things were a little pat with Adam and Michael's return, but I'm so glad Adam's out of the Cage and that Dean got to apologize, though I wish Sam had been there for that scene too. And I enjoyed seeing Michael come to terms with Chuck being, well, Chuck. I think Jake Abel did a really good job playing both roles, and differentiating them ( ... )


supernutjapan December 16 2019, 06:14:25 UTC
That was my immediate headcanon about her death
RIGHT?!😆Perfect person for the job - it´s like going to heaven for her LOL
The Adam and Michael parts were so well done.
So glad you enjoyed the ep too!


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