Art for JJ1564's Spring Fic Exchange Entry - Nocturnal Adventures for Dizzojay

May 29, 2018 21:38

Title: Nocturnal Adventures
Author: jj1564
Artist: supernutjapan
Recipient: dizzojay
Warnings/Spoilers: mild het sex, some swearing
Characters: Dean Winchester, original female character and Rowena
Rating: pg13
Genre: Gen, het, humor
Wordcount: 2930
Summary: Dean and Kathy have been getting friendly over a few weeks. Dean really likes her, and she seems to feel the same. It’ ( Read more... )

fan-art, spn_bigpretzel spring fic exchange, challenge, fan-fic

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Comments 8

dizzojay May 29 2018, 19:24:17 UTC
Perfect artwork for this hilarious story, you really did JJ, the community and - of course - me, proud!
Thank you so much :)


supernutjapan May 29 2018, 22:46:55 UTC
Thank YOU😊❤️ I was lucky to have caught Rowena's gaze at just the right angle and who doesn't appreciate a bit of suited Jensen/Dean aye?!😍


stir_of_echoes May 29 2018, 20:09:59 UTC


supernutjapan May 29 2018, 22:48:21 UTC
Thank you ❤️ Suited/embarrassed Jensen-Dean there can never be enough of😍


julchen11 May 30 2018, 16:37:04 UTC
Simply gorgeous, sweetie ♥♥♥


supernutjapan June 1 2018, 05:35:50 UTC
Thank you!❤❤❤


milly_gal June 4 2018, 12:16:01 UTC
Gorgeous pieces my lovely, what a lucky duck Jj is ♥


supernutjapan June 4 2018, 13:00:03 UTC
Awww ❤️ Thank you honey. You two are the best ❤️


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