Remember 3.11

Mar 11, 2018 21:08

It's the day of the great tsunami and earthquake of 2011.  A day for rememberance and unity ( Read more... )

3.11, japan, my day

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Comments 14

jj1564 March 11 2018, 17:14:46 UTC
That must have been really scary, thank goodness you didn't suffer any major damage or loss of life. I remember seeing it on the news and I'll be thinking of all those in Northern Japan who lost loved ones. *hugs*


supernutjapan March 12 2018, 00:49:37 UTC
It was. Even for us... I cannot imagine the horror they experienced. *squishes back*


ex_valerie_766 March 11 2018, 20:39:23 UTC
supernutjapan March 12 2018, 00:50:08 UTC
It is. I cannot imagine the horror they went through. I am. So much. *hugs*


roguem March 12 2018, 11:19:39 UTC
That must have been so scary. I remember it being on the news and the frightening images they showed.


supernutjapan March 12 2018, 13:34:45 UTC
I cannot imagine the horror they all experienced. :(


milly_gal March 12 2018, 12:24:51 UTC
*hugs and loves* It's amazing how quickly the years have gone by x


supernutjapan March 12 2018, 13:36:05 UTC
*hugs and clings* It is. The kids really bring that home, when I think how young they were at that time.


julchen11 March 12 2018, 19:17:43 UTC
Good god! That sounds so scary. You must be so glad and grateful that you and your family survived safe and secure so lets embrace each day. Life is so short and we shouldn't waste the time that is given to us. ♥♥♥♡♡♡♥♥♥


supernutjapan March 13 2018, 00:28:37 UTC
Yes, it reminds us of how precious are the things and people and normal days we take for granted.


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