Jinba Taiko and Samurai Taiko mashup

Aug 14, 2017 14:16

We went to hear the drums at the matsuri/festival near my MIL's home. Jinba Taiko are a traditional group from Hachioji, they also invited the Samurai Taiko to play with them this year. Samurai Taiko is a group from Yokota US Airbase in Japan, made up of mostly military personnel which means they are almost all Americans. I actually saw a ( Read more... )

vid, festival, summer

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Comments 6

yeuxdebleu August 15 2017, 00:24:57 UTC
I greatly enjoy watching the drum videos you post. They're mesmerizing.


supernutjapan August 15 2017, 06:33:00 UTC
So happy you enjoy them❤❤ thank you!


milly_gal August 15 2017, 18:48:05 UTC
Thoroughly bloody enjoyed that :DDD


supernutjapan August 16 2017, 03:50:08 UTC
YAY!! :D<3


sayuri2023 August 16 2017, 17:59:54 UTC
Awesome performance :) so traditional... its so nice Japan hasnt forgotten its roots..


supernutjapan August 17 2017, 00:10:13 UTC
It´s a pretty awesome ❤
So glad you enjoyed it!


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