Books :)

Aug 11, 2017 18:00

I have been reading a lot lately - starting from a couple of days before our trip to Yamagata. I've mentioned a couple of books but not in detail, so I thought I'd put down my thoughts.

Neverwhere by Neil GaimanNeil Gaimen is the author of American Gods, and I enjoyed that, so I had this one on my 'to buy' list at Amazon. There are several ( Read more... )

thoughts, books, recommendation, rec

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Comments 4

sayuri2023 August 13 2017, 13:10:37 UTC
Im really interested in all of them. Its been a while since I've been immersed myself in a giod series :) I wish I couod bookmark this post!


supernutjapan August 14 2017, 04:59:07 UTC
I'm so glad :) You can put it in your 'memories.' It's the red, ribbon like mark among the buttons at the top. Then when you want to find it, just click 'memories' on the left column of your profile page.


sayuri2023 August 14 2017, 05:32:55 UTC
Done :) thank you!!


supernutjapan August 14 2017, 07:31:55 UTC
You're welcome! And sorry - the column where you can find them later is on the right hand side of your profile - along with tags etc. :P


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