Apr 19, 2017 12:14

I'm in the middle of that awful editing work still but I made the mistake of pushing a pop up from Pinterest and this is where it got me. ( See pics )

pinterest, animals, pics, picspam

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Comments 15

yeuxdebleu April 19 2017, 03:37:56 UTC
Those animal pics are marvelous, especially the cats and bathroom pics. Love this post!


supernutjapan April 19 2017, 04:34:28 UTC
Yay! So happy you enjoyed it!!


padabegood2me April 19 2017, 07:48:07 UTC
Cuteness! :)


supernutjapan April 19 2017, 23:54:38 UTC


karakuri_doll April 19 2017, 13:09:26 UTC
Lol, Senna sometimes wants to come to the bathroom with me, too. :D I think animals don't quite get what humans are doing there and why.


supernutjapan April 20 2017, 00:00:38 UTC
LOL! Hana is often interested too, but she is a very "cool" dog and would rather raid the kitchen while I can't get to her than wait for me :D

I wonder sometimes that she might understand, because we call the mat where she does her stuff her "toilet" and I tell her I'm going to the "toilet" when I go too. She also knows what poo is at least, if not both poo and pee. If I tell her to pee or poo in the toilet, she will (if she can). I was also thinking that in Japan, the toilets are separate from the bathroom, so it is also maybe a bit different. Are your toilets in your bathroom like in the USA or Canada?


karakuri_doll April 20 2017, 18:38:51 UTC
Sono likes to raid the kitchen, too, if given a chance. :D Senna doesn't really reach anything and isn't very interested in snooping around anyway. That's very fortunate because we can put her in the kitchen during the nights and while we are away and not to worry about what she gets up to. We are not going to do it forever, though, just until she can be safely left to roam the whole apartment without supervision ( ... )


julchen11 April 20 2017, 04:43:01 UTC
Love love love this post! All Pictures are sooooo beautiful! Thank you, my dear.


supernutjapan April 20 2017, 09:43:05 UTC
You're welcome! So happy you could enjoy it! <3<3


milly_gal April 20 2017, 14:08:51 UTC
That top pic is fucking hilarious, and so true!!


supernutjapan April 20 2017, 16:22:09 UTC
Hehe! So glad you enjoyed it bb❤


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