The Tokyo Youth Choir

Dec 01, 2016 16:36

This is the song at the end of the concert on Sun that had me in tears.

The concert was a charity event for the 3-11 victims, and this song was composed by the conductor at the time of the earthquake.

image Click to view

3.11, music video, my day

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Comments 12

roguem December 1 2016, 10:19:13 UTC
That's lovely.


supernutjapan December 1 2016, 15:01:47 UTC
So glad you enjoyed it!!


julchen11 December 1 2016, 11:22:09 UTC
Very very lovely!


supernutjapan December 1 2016, 15:03:12 UTC
Those voices!!!<3 and those words!!<3<3 I love music so much!


julchen11 December 1 2016, 18:14:14 UTC
A life without music? Unimaginable. What kind of music do you like the most?


supernutjapan December 1 2016, 23:41:58 UTC
Pretty much everything in the right context 😆 I was raised with a lot of classical and musicals, I was in choir and band, enjoyed the eighties in highschool, oldies in university, then country and others. Didn't think I'd ever enjoy mullet/hard rock but SPN made me a big fan. I usually go for the songs with meaningful lyrics. I don't listen to rap on it's own but it has it's place too!

How about you?


milly_gal December 1 2016, 17:54:53 UTC
That's lovely hun :)


supernutjapan December 2 2016, 00:07:28 UTC
So glad you could enjoy it! The sound and the message together overwhelms me :')


yeuxdebleu December 2 2016, 01:13:24 UTC
That is so, so beautiful. I can see why it had you in tears. And thanks ever so much for the English translation.

Were either of your boys in that choir?


supernutjapan December 2 2016, 04:49:04 UTC
You are welcome! I am so glad you could enjoy it!

No, I wish they were though. I felt like going up to the conductor and asking about a highschool choir, since Alex's choir has only two boys and I wished he could experience an all boy choir.

Audrey's best friend was in it. They had performances by two inter-varcity choirs and a guest performance by a kids choir. This last song they all sang together. Audrey's bf is a short haired girl in the middle, mostly hidden by the translation :D


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