:') <3<3

Aug 08, 2016 17:21

It's that time of month again and EVERYTHING is making me cry. Happy tears and sad tears - everything. Started last night so some of you have got little :') and :''') and other such cry marks on my comments in your post. But seriously, I'm feeling so much LOVE for all the awesome posts I feel like introducing a few of them here.

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friend, love, my day

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Comments 5

sillie82 August 8 2016, 22:23:27 UTC
Lj was being an ass last night. It wouldn't let me upload anything. It's working now though. :)


supernutjapan August 9 2016, 10:59:22 UTC
casey said it wasn't working for her either so it was a pretty wide spread problem. Glad it was fixed soon!


karakuri_doll August 10 2016, 11:32:34 UTC
I'm sorry for you feeling like that. :( I have actually been a bit tearful yesterday and today, too... Let's try to cheer up together and screw the hormones! o/

I love you, too, oh friend of mine. <3

P.S. Don't overwork yourself. You know that isn't good for you. LJ can wait a bit if necessary.


supernutjapan August 10 2016, 15:14:16 UTC
YAY! *high tens you* screw the hormones!

Hope you're feeling better! It's settled down a bit for me, thank goodness!

<3 Thank you! I'm so behind! *headpalm*


karakuri_doll August 12 2016, 20:03:32 UTC
I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. I'm a bit better, too.


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