Ooooo <3<3 I want both!!

Jun 22, 2016 11:19

Seriously people, Diana's sex scenes in the books are hot, sensual, loving and just beautiful.  If you never watch the show, I urge you to read the Outlander series - not just for those scenes but the time slip into history (the Scottish Uprising and the American Revolution), Claire the protagonists' work as a healer, and the awesome love story ( Read more... )

books, outlander

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Comments 9

milly_gal June 22 2016, 13:40:09 UTC
I would have to start watching Outlander first, lol!


supernutjapan June 22 2016, 15:08:55 UTC
For the second book on the TV series, yes, I guess you should :D


karakuri_doll June 22 2016, 20:47:18 UTC
I have never heard about a guide to writing sex scenes before! Now I'm wondering what kind of advice Gabaldon has to give about that subject.


supernutjapan June 23 2016, 10:24:51 UTC
Curious right? :D Her sex scenes were a revelation to me when I came to her books after reading harlequin-y trashy novels. She has style. I definitely want to read this :D


karakuri_doll June 23 2016, 17:28:15 UTC
I admit I'm curious. :D Writing sex scenes can be tricky.


roguem June 23 2016, 10:53:56 UTC
They're going on my wishlist. :D


supernutjapan June 23 2016, 14:03:43 UTC
me too! :D<3


jj1564 June 23 2016, 11:09:13 UTC
I haven't started reading the books yet, but have the first three - as soon as my sister finishes with the first one I'll be starting! I love the sex scenes between Claire and Jamie on the show, so sensual and beautiful *sighs*


supernutjapan June 23 2016, 14:05:25 UTC
I love them even more in the books:D The power of words and imagination<3<3 Happy reading!


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