Outlander 2-1 Through a Glass, Darkly Thoughts, Screencaps and Poll

Apr 10, 2016 20:30

What did you think of this episode of Outlander? I'd love to hear it in the following poll and/or comments!

Poll Outlander 2-1 Through a Glass, Darkly
My thoughts here!

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poll, thoughts, screencaps, outlander

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Comments 4

roguem April 13 2016, 11:12:20 UTC
I really like this episode.
Though as always I'm not fond of changes from the book I do understand their choices this time around, and see that this season will be including the flashbacks from book three, and maybe next season will have the scenes with Claire, Roger and Brianna searching for Jamie in the records.
The second book I probably remember the least details from anyway as I was just so focused on figuring out why Claire was back in her own time.
It will be very interesting to see how this season evolves.


supernutjapan April 13 2016, 14:09:17 UTC
I agree! I don't mind this kind of change at all :D


jj1564 April 16 2016, 18:13:51 UTC
I haven't read the books and I'm trying to avoid spoilers, but I was a little confused that Claire was back at the standing stones in her own time at the start, and not sailing to France with Jamie! That's the only reason it was 'great' and not 'awesome' for me. The acting was so amazing, Claire's grief was like a raw, open wound, and the scenes between her and Frank were handled so well. I feel so sorry for Frank, Claire will always see Randall in him now, but I feel even sorrier for Claire, she should be with Jamie!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts :)


supernutjapan April 17 2016, 10:19:56 UTC
Yeah, that would be confusing. It was that way in the books too. She was suddenly back in her time and we didn't know why. That is definitely an interesting effect though! It was a very emotional part of the episode!! Wonderful<3

Thank you for reading bb *squishes*


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