Cutest of Cute <3

Feb 22, 2016 19:42

I walked to the school this morning as usual - it's only 10 minutes or so from home, but it was the toughest 10 minutes I've ever had to endure.  After my class, I got hubby to pick me up and we went out for lunch.  I really wanted something to warm me up, so I had some ramen and hot tea.  When I got home, I just dived under the kotatsu (a short ( Read more... )

pinterest, animals, pics, picspam

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Comments 14

milly_gal February 22 2016, 11:21:24 UTC
This post is made of win! I'm sorry you felt so ooky but glad the advil kicked in!


supernutjapan February 22 2016, 16:03:42 UTC
Thank you! So glad you enjoyed the post <3<3


starrbeam February 22 2016, 11:32:09 UTC
Sweet pictures. So cute


supernutjapan February 22 2016, 16:04:11 UTC
<3 So glad you enjoyed them!!


karakuri_doll February 22 2016, 18:59:03 UTC
Animal pictures never fail to cheer oneself up. ^^

I'm sorry to hear you are sick. I hope you get better soon. *healing hug*


supernutjapan February 23 2016, 03:43:41 UTC
Right? :D Especially when you can come and enjoy them with me!

Thank you <3


hugemind February 22 2016, 22:52:26 UTC
Awww, sleepy, fluffy kittens! *pets*

Sounds like you may have caught a stronger bug - hope you feel better soon! *hugs*


supernutjapan February 23 2016, 03:46:19 UTC
heee! They are so cute and cuddly <3

My adult students today suggested it might be the flu... it seems a version with a lower fever is going around. Which means I may have subjected my students to it :P Hope not. I feel much better today except for a nasty cough.


sillie82 February 23 2016, 00:49:37 UTC
Aww, these are all so cute. Hope you feel better soon!


supernutjapan February 23 2016, 03:46:49 UTC
So glad you could enjoy them with me<3 Thank you!


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