A Cas/Meg thing

Apr 27, 2015 14:35

I suddenly got the urge to write this while I was making icons for Abandon All Hope.  Just a short blurb.

Title: Fallen
Pairing: Cas/Meg
Rating: G
Word Count: 662
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Warning: nothing
Setting: SPN 5x10 Abandon All Hope.
Summary: What was going through Cas' mind when he was caught in the holy fire, alone with Meg?
Thanks: To ( Read more... )

spn, castiel, cas, season05, meg, fan-fic, spn episodes

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Comments 6

violettestars April 27 2015, 15:47:50 UTC
I liked this a lot. Great glimpse into castle's mind.


supernutjapan April 27 2015, 23:22:55 UTC
Thank you <3 I'm really glad you enjoyed it!


violettestars April 28 2015, 01:34:31 UTC
you're welcome. :)
i forgot to add that i liked the pics as well. that's my new thing now. i think pics and/or gifs just gives the fics a little something extra.


supernutjapan April 28 2015, 01:59:41 UTC
Thank you! That's why I decided to post here instead of just on AO3 :D


wind_storms April 27 2015, 18:10:16 UTC
supernutjapan April 27 2015, 23:28:02 UTC
Thank you so much for your encouragement and help!! Glad you liked the pictures too. The idea came from looking at these screencaps, so I thought I'd include them too :D

I love this ship very much. I think especially because it also deals with the two characters changing and evolving<3


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