46 Icons from SPN 4-20 The Rapture - Castiel/Jimmy Fest!

Jan 03, 2015 18:01

I'm posting icons from the screencaps and gifs for my review of The Rapture. This has turned out to be a rare post for Cas/Misha fans. Hope you enjoy them! (Again if you would like anything added to personalize, let me know <3

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fan-art, cas, spn episodes, gifs, sam, spn, icons, season04, dean

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Comments 12

emmatheslayer January 3 2015, 11:34:42 UTC
there are some fun castiel ones here and love deans as always


supernutjapan January 3 2015, 13:16:30 UTC
Thank you hon <3


wind_storms January 3 2015, 17:09:12 UTC
supernutjapan January 4 2015, 01:03:42 UTC
Thank you sweetie!

I've missed you too *squishes* What have you been up to?


wind_storms January 4 2015, 01:22:01 UTC
supernutjapan January 4 2015, 01:27:58 UTC
I was hoping you hadn't caught cold or a virus *hugs*
Writing stuff! Like the sound of that :D
Yes! Unbelievable. It seriously feels a lot shorter than season 3. And YES! I will be doing the quizzes so you'd better come on and help out :D


justmep2 January 3 2015, 20:58:01 UTC
So much Cas!


supernutjapan January 4 2015, 01:04:36 UTC
hehe! right?! There were just so many scenes/moments of Jimmy and Cas this ep :P


karakuri_doll January 4 2015, 20:04:31 UTC
So many awesome Cas/Jimmy icons. *_* I wish I were half as good as you in making icons. I think I will take 8, 15, 19, 29 and 34 - with credits, of course. ^^


supernutjapan January 6 2015, 11:04:07 UTC
You are so welcome♡


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