SPN 9-8 Rock and a Hard Place Thoughts and Screen Caps, Icons& Gifs

Nov 28, 2013 01:48

I really enjoyed this episode, period. No thought necessary. And I got a ton of screen caps etc. out of it.

First let me just list those quotes I felt like jotting down as I watched.

After the chastity meeting when Sam and Dean meet up to exchange "notes."
S: You mean, am I actually working? Yeah, I am.
D: Well, good luck with that.
(That just reminds me so much of the early days.)

Dean's cellphone message: This is Dean's other, other phone so you must know what to do.
(Again, of old.)

D: I've seen a lot of things - the stuff of nightmares...


I had to make some icons from this one...

Oh, and here is another icon from when Dean figures out the counselor used to be a porn star...

(Oh, and I finally figured out how not to have my words bouncing around on my gifs with out going to loads of trouble. THANK GOD)

I lOVED the O Lay! at the end of the scene!!

virgin girl (forgot her name: What the fudge lady?
Jody Mills: Wipe your nose dear.

I also loved the reference by the Roman God about "that hippie from Bethlehem"!!

The ending scene where Dean almost tells Sam about Zeke... I guess we were right to suspect that Dean had wanted to tell Sam since a few episodes back. I hope he finds a way to get an advantage over Zeke.

OK... So here are some scenes I wanted to keep on screencaps:


Dean listening to Jody... Yeah that seems to be our sort of strange.

"Lifting a car up like this..."

"It's not a button"

"You are both virgins, now."

(Doesn't Sam look good in front of the plaid wall?)

(Some more funny faces by Dean)


OK, and a little bit of serious at the end here...

"You've got to have a little faith Sammy."
(this one reminds me of Dean in Faith... He's talking about faith in Dean, aye?)


supernatural season 9 comments, icons, gifs

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