Song Title/Vid Title: Better Than Me - Dean and Jo
Vidder: Nora/
byammnt/byamoment @ youtube
Artist: Hinder
Category: Romance
Characters: Dean Winchester, Jo Harvelle.
Pairings: Dean/Jo.
Warnings: Nope!
Summary: Dean ends his relationship with Jo and tries to explain his reasons while regretting it.
Youtube Megaupload 15 MB WMV
Comments 2
Just wondering if you'd be interested in being listed as an editor on The Impala, a new Supernatural vidding archive which _gater_ and I have set up to run alongside our existing Stargate vidding archive Kawoosh!?
If you would, you can submit your vid HERE.
We do, however, have a hosting policy... which you can read about HERE, so I was wondering if you'd be happy to upload to one of the links mentioned in order to be listed? This list has been drawn up by existing editors on our current SG database for their longevity and reliability, which is why we currently only accept and list links from one of the listed sites.
We also have an LJ comm running alongside the site if you're interested: impala_kaz2y5
Thanks :)
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