Epic Cas vid

Apr 01, 2011 03:51

This is the latest from my good friend and favourite Cas vidder. The music and editing create a thrilling and haunting atmosphere, and the more you rewatch it the more thoughtful details you notice. It's just amazing to me, so I had to rec it. Check it out!

Vid Title: Strike Me Down
Vidder: Lawliettte2 (youtube homepage) (livejournal homepage)
Artist: "Lightning Field" by the Sneaker Pimps
Edited Using: Sony Vegas 9
Category: Slash, character study
Characters: Castiel, Dean
Warnings: Slash Implications
Summary: Castiel rebels against his father to keep the world in one piece, inspired and assisted by Dean.
Length: 2:45

direct youtube link to video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9C_ZSKxOI94

vidder: lawliettte2, category: slash, character: castiel, character: dean winchester, category: character study

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