Challenge #2: Tell us what happened

May 29, 2006 14:15

ringwench and I felt we just hadn't challenged you all enough lately. Or, possibly, at all. So, without further ado:

supernaturalvid Challenge #2: Tell us what happened!

To stave off hiatus blues, show us how great the first season was. You can focus on a particular theme if you want, but major points go to the vids managing to sum it all up in 5 minutes or less.

Deadline: Friday, June 30th

The Rules

1) You can use any song you like, multiple songs, or no song at all. It's your choice. The vid has to be mainly comprised of "Supernatural" clips (obviously), but you are more than welcome to include some footage from other tv shows/movies/etc if you would like.

2) Vids should be between 1 and 5 minutes long. Any format is fine.

3) When posting your vid use the usual entry format (which is detailed in the userinfo), but please put "Challenge #2" as your subject line (to differentiate challenge vids from other vids--and yes, you are still more than welcome to post non-challenge related vids to the comm for the duration of the challenge and afterwards), if you can please tag your entry with "challenge1" that would be great as well. You can use whatever free hosting service you like to host your vid, however I would ask that you put a You Send It link in the post as well so I can download all the vids and have them on my harddrive for easy uploading when it's time for judging. Also, if you could make the filename challenge1_vid1_yourusername it would be very helpful as well. You can post your vids whenever you like during the contest period.

4) Each vidder can enter a maximum of ONE video. So take your time to ensure you're submitting the best possible final product.

5) Because part of the point of this challenge is to get us through the LONG hiatus, the challenge is open until Friday, June 30th. I'll put another reminder post up about 24 hours before the challenge is up, just to make sure nobody misses the deadline.

6) Judging will be done by comm members voting on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place (using a point system, a vote for 1st place will receive 3 points, 2nd place 2 points, 3rd place 1 point--the person with the most points wins and so forth), with a possibility of an honorable mention in the case of a really close race. There will also be a mods choice winner which will be determined by ringwench and lithium_doll. Vidders and non-vidders alike are all eligible to vote (and yes, you can vote for your own vid if you can stand the shame). Be fair. Take into consideration the editing technique, good use of theme, and general entertainment value of the video.

The winning videos will be hosted for free on ringwench's webspace (provided the vid is less than 20 MB and provided you don't have your own hosting already), and the 1st place winner may also be awarded an additional prize. Mods are allowed to compete in the challenge but are not eligible for the mods choice prize. Once the challenge is closed I will post links to all the entries (and I will likely post a zip file with all the entries so if you chose to download all the vids at once you can do so) with a number assigned to each vid so everybody can vote (comments will be screened). Voting will be open for 72 hours after the challenge is closed.

7) No clip theft. If your vid is found to contain clip theft, it will be deleted, you will not be eligible to compete in this challenge (or any subsequent challenges), and you risk being banned from the comm. So just don't do it.

8) Have fun and don't forget to comment on people's entries if you enjoyed watching them! Also, feel free to pimp this challenge to your friends. We want to see lots and lots of awesome vids!

The rules are (more or less) exactly the same as those in the first challenge, for those who participated in that.

If you have any questions or comments, please reply to this post.

And in on a slightly moddish but unrelated topic, I've stuck all vids posted here to date (those with comments enabled anyway) in the Memories, sorted by song/vid title.

If you want to help me out in the future, posting your vids with the subject in the following format would be fantabulous:
Title by LJName [Band/Artist] (e.g. Too Sick To Pray by lithium_doll [A3] )

!challenge, challenge: #2 - tell us what happened

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