Eric Kripke Bloggers Teleconference

Oct 03, 2006 23:27

Ok I am really way too excited to have been apart of the phone call.
**This is xposted in a few places and at my LJ **

Right now they are up to episode 13. As we speak there are 13 episodes written but not actually filmed but they are about halfway though the season. Let me just say this now Eric is a sweetie and is just as laid back and funny like we see him everywhere else. this call was only a half hour and surprizingly there wasnt more people I think just 5 of us.

So lets get on to the topics:

The first one addressed was Jo. Lets just say I am relieved that this is what I thought it would be. She is only in 3 episodes, 2 with minor roles and the 3rd with a bigger role. Eric knew that her character would cause some waves and promised us he has no desire to have Dean settle down and asks that you trust him. LOL He and the rest of the writing team want Supernatural to grow and that will mean introducing some new characters from time to time. Hes is really really protective of what goes on and does give a shit about what his fans think. So dont worry Dean girls this is a painfully slow thing and the most we are going to see is Deans award winning charm and romantic tension. Eric did slip in that there is no kissing between them at all through these 13 episdoes so ladies - we can rest easy.

I got to ask my question about John. With a chuckle Eric responded that John is dead. Yes we have another show that Jeff Morgan has died on. BUT Eric the point very clear that this is SUPERNATURAL anything can happen. This isnt the last we have seen of John but he didnt fake his own death or anything else he did simply die - sacrificed for Dean.  Part of that is answered in the question a few questions after mine - the Why. As you remember in the opener John says to Sam he regrets bringing him along with this. Eric says he meant it more that he brought the boys along on this instead of going after the Demon alone, like he always intended to. What he ended up with here wasnt what he wanted. So we know that our assumption that John intended to die while killing the Demon was probably true. I also had to thank him for the Star Wars homage, which if you know Star Wars and see the clip for the up coming episode they give John a proper warrior burial.

So I got to ask another question ( because Eric is cool like that and let me ask 2 at once ) I asked AgtSpookys question - the bleeding eyes thing from Bloody Mary. Again another chuckle (does he not think we will keep track of these things) and he says that yes it wasnt just a filler it was thought about and yes there is an answer on why Deans eyes were bleeding as well. It just hasnt fit in yet to show it.... but we will know that answer.

Of course you know that sooner or later someone was going to ask " What did John whisper to Dean before the end ?" Eric i love you but damn it you could have given us something. Never the less Eric does say we will find out this season , at least mid season what John said to Dean. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok well Eric is a closet BDSM, he loves the torture of his fans. Oh Eric we love you.... we really do LOL.

The next question that was asked about Sams powers. Which of course is something that we were all like WTF why didnt he use them in "Devils Trap". Again Eric loving the slow draw that turns into torture....... Sam has no control of his powers, no control over when and how they appear. There will be a very very slow development of his powers. He like the rest of us kinda like the idea the Winchesters having to get out of their messes on their own "witts". He has no interest in Sammy becoming "Superboy" and wont go all "XMen" on us anytime soon.

So again I get to ask Eric a question and I go for Deans Amulet. Another chuckle ( I must have been really funny tonight or something LOL ) Again just like the "Bloody Mary" thing thing, there is an answer for that as well, it just hasnt been able to work itself in to the storyline. So I was like "Eric you are killin me here but I guess I cant be mad at you, you brought back Metallicar." Another chuckle for which he responded that he did see the uproar over the car and did think its great that we call it Metallicar. Can you tell he loves us fans.

Another question asked was about the beginning of the show - no credits and such just the title card. Well Eric says intially the pilot was only to have just the title card and the rest of season was going to roll credits like you see on the easter eggs for the DVD. The WB liked it without the credits and wanted them to keep it as such. Well Eric and the powers that be werent to keen on that idea but over time it actually grew on them and they saw the appeal. Now for this second season they figured we will keep the same concept but do it our way, hence the super cool new title card. ** Yes Eric we love it too **

A good question asked was are we going to have any flashback episodes. Since we all love the WEE!Winchesters. So far the plan for this season is no but but but but but..........

WE ARE IN THE WORKS FOR A COMIC BOOK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yes my friends a COMIC BOOK

Eric kind enough to not only fix Metallicar but break to us a the comic book news. It will basically be the John Winchester chronicles showing our boys as WEE!Winchesters and how John became the Jedi Master  he was/is. ( John is one with force - that is my mantra )So I will give you all a minute to squee !!!!!!! I need one too.

I got to ask another question. Which I just wanted to clarify really because some places were saying that this was going to be a theme song and others were just saying that this was going to be more like the bar scene kinda thing like they did with Steve Carlsons song. The contest that CW on MYSPACE is just that, to get music out there by bands influences by the greats ( AC/DC, Zeppelin etc ) and in theme with what the show already does. Eric doesnt want anything changing so no theme song. You know I had to comment so I said - If there was going to be a theme song go pay Kansas and take Wayward Son" Luckily he agreed.

Again because Eric is cool like that I got to slip in another question which was the zombie question. Now I this isnt quite spoilerish so dont go freaking out on me but Episode 4 which will air 10/19 will be a bit of a zombie intro sorta like "Pet Cemetary" because episode 9 which will air 12-07 will more like "Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Night of the Living Dead meets The Thing" you arent gonna quite know who is who and the boys of course gotta fix it.

He is keeping our boys running thats for sure...... and he affectionately dubbed them - "The Hardest working men in showbiz" comparing them to the great "Rat Pack" of Sammy Davis jr and company.

The last question was about the boys - did the gay jokes come before or after you noticed that our beloved J2 couldnt keep their hands off each other. Now he laughed and was like uh no the jokes came because it would seem to be natural progression people seeing them together sleeping in one hotel room so add that to Dean and his "macho" exterior and you have comedy. Basically for us the slashy undertones is just an added bonus to us fanfirls.

So then the half hour was up Eric thanked us and went out whatever business he needed to do. I was pretty pissed because the people didnt get my shit right. It was a great conversation and Eric again a sweetheart and loves us fans and loves this show. He is really protective of his baby so I guess we need a new creed - "In Kripke we Trust" I mean come on we should cut him some slack he fixed Metallicar LOL.

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