5x02 Partial Enochian Translation

Sep 18, 2009 18:13

I don't know if anyone else has done this elsewhere or not. I have not seen it here so I'm posting it. About the stuff carved on Dean's (& Sam's) ribs.

I've managed to translate some of what is on his ribs. I very much believe Sam had the X-Ray backwards. Looking at the X-Ray from Sam's & our POV starting with the ribs on the left):

Reading right to left our POV:

Top rib: ABRAMG: Prepared, I have prepared; AF = 19
Next rib down: ADGMRCH = Much Glory
Third rib down: CNILA = Blood; CONISBRA = The Work of Man
Fourth rib: LML = Treasure; OECRIMI = Singing Praises
Fifth: POILP = Divide, Are Divided; PRAF = Dwell; ???? (there's more, I'm just having a hard time reading it)
Sixth: PRAP = Balance; PRGE = Fire, With The Fire; PUGO = as unto
Seventh: PUIM = Sharp Sickles; QAA = Your Garments or Of Your Creation; Q = Or/thy/contents; T = also/it/visit; QTING = The Rotten

The ribs on his other side are more difficult because of the angle and my crappy computer/photo software, but here is what I do have:

On the right:
Reading right to left:

Top rib: ADOIAN = The Face
Second down: ????; ADRE = Servient Angel Fire of Fire
Third: ????; APILA = Liveth
Fourth: ????; GEIAD = Our Lord and Master
Fifth: PAMPHICAS = Meaning Unknown, Contemptuous Tone
Sixth: ????CARPP(ELE?) I hesitate translating what's readable without knowing the rest because it could make it wrong.
Seventh: PIAD = Your God; ???

That's all I have so far.

Huge thank you to malevolent73 for the screen cap. I'll keep looking at it to see if I can figure out the rest.

On his sternum:

From top to bottom the first, second and fourth [1)air, 2)fire, 4)earth] are 3 of the 4 seals of the watchtower. The third symbol is the sigil for Lucifer (thank you monicawoe !).

Also, some sites report that each one is the same color of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: (clockwise from upper left) air is red, earth is black, water is green and fire is white.

That is all I have for now. If someone already finished the translations & whatnot feel free to comment & I will add them & again credit you.

Enochian Dictionary I used. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Thebes/5777/enochian.txt

The Enochian Alphabet can be found by googling that term. I did not use one site specifically so I am not going to credit one or the whole lot.
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