Fanfiction: Heroes: The Great What Ifs

Aug 02, 2009 03:16

Title: The Great What Ifs
Pairing: Mohinder/Eden
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Mohinder’s thoughts on his almost relationship with Eden.
Author’s note: Written for aurilly’s CEO day at heroes_exchange. Unbeta’d because the 3 am fic fairies struck again.

Mohinder likes Eden. If there’s anything good that’s come from him coming to America, it’s meeting her. She seems to understand his father in a way he never could, and he would almost be jealous of her if it weren’t for the fact that he did like her so much. She brings him Mac and Cheese and seems to be just as determined to find her father’s killer as he is.
She’s pretty too, he can’t forget that part.

He thinks it’s cute the way she refers to his father as “Papa Suresh” because she has trouble pronouncing his name. He doesn’t quite see how Chandra was a hard name to say, but it doesn’t really matter in the long run, because it’s rather endearing.

Finally, it’s time for him to take his father’s ashes back to India, to perform the proper duties of a son, and he’s surprised by how much it hurts him, the idea of leaving her. She asks him not to stay. She kisses him to try to convince him, and for a second, his duties don’t matter. He wants to stay there, kissing her so he can see where it leads him. But ultimately, his sense of duty wins out. She refuses to say goodbye, tells him that he’ll be back.

While he’s in India, he’s surprised by how much he misses her presence. He tries to readapt to his former life, to let go of her and everything else he experienced in America, but it proves to be more difficult than he imagines. He has visions about his sister, the one he never knew he had, and learns more about his father than he ever imagined. He realizes his work in New York isn’t done yet and he finally decides to go back . In the back of his head, he wonders about that kiss, and if maybe they could see where things could go from there.

At his apartment, he smiles to himself as he finds a note from Eden. She had been right all along. And once more, she had known it, by proof of that note. The command on the note is to get back to work, and even though he’s already planned on doing so, now he feels even more compelled.

Later, that night, he gets a call from her. She says she’ll reveal the truth to him. Who she really is. First she has to make things right, she claims. The last words he hears from her are that she’s going to avenge his father’s death, and then she hangs up. The whole exchange leaves him rather confused, to say the very least. But he shrugs it off. He tries to tell himself that all will make sense in time. After all, she’s promised an explanation to him, and he has work to do.

He never hears from her again.

He later learns that her name was Sarah Ellis, and she was on the list too. His stomach clenches. Did she know she was on the list? Exactly what had she been doing, getting close to his father? Suddenly, her last words seem even more ominous. Making things right.
Had she been responsible for his father’s death somehow?

He learns, that day, that she committed suicide. They found her in a lake, with a gunshot wound in her head. Was it because she failed in taking down his father’s murderer? Was it an act of guilt? He has so many questions, but he doubts he’ll ever quite learn the answers to them.

Years later, he looks back to things with Eden with a pang of regret. He wonders if he could have helped her somehow if he had stayed. Prevented what happened to her. If they could have been happy together?

He has so many questions, but he knows he’ll never have any answers. All he’s left with are the great what ifs.


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