Fanfiction: Heroes: Thank You

Apr 16, 2009 21:56

Title: Thank You

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Mohinder/Elle

Summary: Post 2x11: Powerless. Mohinder visits Elle to thank her for saving him from Sylar.

It was the day after she rescued them all that Mohinder came to visit Elle at Primatech. He felt bad for having been unable to give her proper thanks for rescuing them from Sylar. To be certain, she had been unable to stop the killer from escaping, but she had saved the lives of himself, Maya, and Molly. Sylar probably would have killed all three of them. He owed Elle more than just  a few quickly exchanged words.

He had thought of bringing a present or something, but he didn’t really know what Elle liked. He didn’t know much about her, really, other than the fact that she was fascinating and terrifying all at once. So he finally settled on just bringing over a large Slush-O he picked up on his way.  Kind of lousy as far as thank you presents went, but it was the best he could think of.

He knocked on the door of her office, waiting for her response.

“I told you Daddy, I’m checking for any reports of his next attack. He didn’t get all his powers back though, he shoul-“

Mohinder came in, chuckling softly. “Sorry Elle, it’s just me. I’m not interrupting you from work, am I?” He felt nervous suddenly. “I can come back later, I would hate to distract you-“

It was Elle’s turn to cut him off now, laughing softly as she made her way over to him. “It’s fine, Fight Club. “ She purred, making her way over to him with a smirk. “I was getting bored with work anyways. I could use a little distraction.” Her eyes lit up at the Slush-O and she began to make grabby hand motions for it. “Is that for me? I swear, if you got one for yourself and taunted me with it, I swear I will end you.”

Mohinder gave a quick shake of his head before handing over the coveted icy drink. “It’s for you. I wanted to get you a thank you present.”

Elle raised a brow. “No offense, but as much as I love Slush-O, that’s kind of a lame present”

The professor laughed a little awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. He never knew what to say around her. “…I’m sorry. I didn’t really know what else you like, other than that. But you did save my life…and I thought at the very least I should give you something…but I suppose you’re right. It is a rather…lame present, all things considered.”

“Well then,” Elle smirked, setting her beloved drink down before grabbing the scruff of Mohinder’s shirt, tugging him closer to her. “Why don’t you make it up to me?”

Mohinder laughed a little nervously before leaning in to brush his lips against hers. “I think I can do that.”

There was a mischievous look in Elle’s eyes now as she pulled away from the kiss with a small spark. “Good. Because I’m not letting you go until you do. Do you understand me?”

“You’re as clear as crystal.”

“Good.” And with another grin, Elle leaned into kiss him again.

Mohinder wasn’t really sure if he was paying her back or if he would just end up owing her more by the time the evening was up, but either way, it seemed worth it.


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