Jan 23, 2009 14:45

About SuperJail!

We must note if you do not know what Superjail! is or have not watched it, perhaps you should take a look at what it is before joining this rp.

Welcome to Superjail!
[Where it is]
Welcome to the best side of Dimension 5612! Superjail is a far away place in a place where time and space are complex and fuzzy things that are often disregarded. Superjail is located inside a volcano that sits atop a larger volcano. Inside are many, many buildings housing thousands of inmates and a small staff of just about half a dozen.

[The Facilities]
You'll find Superjail retains the concepts and elements of a normal jail. It literally acts as its own community with movie theaters, restaurants, bars, parks and just about anything you'd think a normal city would have! All of course run and employed by inmates. Several buildings serve as cell blocks, there is an infirmary, solitary, cafeteria, staff quarters and several forbidden sectors. Superjail being where it is has to be self sufficient.

Inmates will have freetime to visit these facilities From 9am to 7pm. The rest of their hours they will be secluded to their cells.

[Material Goods]
Of course economic goods are easily passed from inmate to inmate. Money is quite obsolete in Superjail between inmates, making bartering a necessity to get what you want that isn't provided by Superjail!

And of course, weapons outside of SJ! organized fight rings are strictly prohibited. Being caught with such items will be a non stop route to the testing lab.

The Warden, with the new opening of Co-ed Superjail!, implemented the Supercator! (short for Super!Communicator). Each inmate has a small water/lava/acid proof bracelet device permanently fixated around their wrist. When scanned it gives their name and inmate number.

The device extends a holographic keyboard for texting and a broadcasting button for voice messages. Being a jail though, nothing is private! Anything can be heard by anyone at any time they are being used, meaning no locked or filtered broadcasts.

Inmates looking for some peace and quiet can of course choose to turn the volume down or off on their communicator.

[The Super!Arena]
Now somewhat of a tradition, the SuperArena is somewhat a revamp of Fight City. A gladiator fit arena for inmates and staff alike to watch weekly bloodbaths unfold at a chance for amazing prizes and privileges!

Fight City will occur somewhat often, players will submit themselves to the mods and one of their characters will be picked at random to participate. Sign-up will usually occur a day or two before the event and a notice will be put up even sooner than that.

The aim of the game is to survive, a mini Battle Royale of random inmates given weapons to fight. If they die, you may inquire to the rules about death blow. There is one winner, if they survive they will be allowed the prize given. Once a character wins they may not participate in the next two events.


Sustaining injury and even imminent death is very easy to accomplish and very prevalent in SuperJail! Luckily with the time fluxes within Superjail these little problems do not take long to fix themselves.

-Minor injuries recover quite normally.
-Bone fractions and more severe injuries take up to a week to heal themselves.
-Death takes just a day! If you die within the walls of Superjail, by the time a whole day is past you'll be good as new!

Did we forget something? Ask your questions here to clear up any confusion you might have as to how SJ! works.

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