"Yeah. Funny."

Dec 05, 2007 22:26

That whole "Tom played guitar" thing from my story "Girl With Kaleidoscope Eyes"? That's actually canon. Figured I should throw up a scan of the panel that inspired me:

Aww. Man, is there anyone who was a fan of GenX and wasn't a Jono/Paige shipper? *Sigh* Not only am I a nerd, but I'm a dated one, too. That particular issue is a decade old. I feel ancient!

jetass is attempting a holiday fic exchange, but it doesn't look like anyone is signing up for it. That's too bad, but it's a peril of having a community dedicated to a character that isn't popular. I don't know why that is, either. Sam's awesome!
Anywho. If I wasn't feeling so "oh gods the holidays are kicking my ass," I'd sign up for the fic exchange myself. Alas, it is not to be.

I am so looking forward to the winter solstice. HELLO, days-getting-longer-again! I have had quite enough of it being pitch black out at 4pm. No sunlight = no energy for this little pie.

Season 2 of Heroes did not impress me much. It had it's moments, but overall: meh. Now with Heroes and Blood Ties off the air, I officially have no reason to watch TV.

Fic "series" that I really ought to write:
◘ Sam & Jay road trippin'
◘ Joelle & Elizabeth bonding
◘ X-Men/Dead Like Me crossover
◘ Bobby and Mystique and baby makes three!

fic tie-in, photobucket, fic ideas

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