Title: Genie Pairing: Main!Kyuhyun/Sungmin, Yesung/Ryeowook, Eunhyuk/Donghae Genre: Romance, Humor, Fantasy, Drama Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: No..still the boys aren't min. Just the effing fic. Summary: Kyuhyun found a Genie...a Naughty Genie.
"This was free." Sungmin licked the lollipop. "Want to taste?" Sungmin smiled.
"You just licked it."
"You can lick the other side." Kyuhyun glared. "Sorry..." Sungmin went back licking the lollipop. Aww, Sungmin's so cute when he offers Kyuhyun to lick the lollipop! And when Sungmin's licking was too loud, I laughed at how Kyuhyun reacted to it! XD
HOW DOES KYU KNOW MAGIC? :O Is random, but so cute the way he found an excuse to touch Sungmin touched Sungmin's hair ^^
I wonder what idea Kyuhyun gave Eunhyuk and Donghae...*is clueless* .__.
LOL random Dreamworks reference ~
Kyuhyun is cute when he teases Sungmin ^^
LUCKY~ You're going on a vacation..I have a test at school tomorrow T^T Have fun on your vacation!! :D
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thanks for reading! ^___^
*mwax* ^.^
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thank you so much!! ^___^
*mwax* ^.^
"This was free." Sungmin licked the lollipop. "Want to taste?" Sungmin smiled.
"You just licked it."
"You can lick the other side." Kyuhyun glared. "Sorry..." Sungmin went back licking the lollipop. Aww, Sungmin's so cute when he offers Kyuhyun to lick the lollipop! And when Sungmin's licking was too loud, I laughed at how Kyuhyun reacted to it! XD
HOW DOES KYU KNOW MAGIC? :O Is random, but so cute the way he found an excuse to touch Sungmin touched Sungmin's hair ^^
I wonder what idea Kyuhyun gave Eunhyuk and Donghae...*is clueless* .__.
LOL random Dreamworks reference ~
Kyuhyun is cute when he teases Sungmin ^^
LUCKY~ You're going on a vacation..I have a test at school tomorrow T^T Have fun on your vacation!! :D
GL GL!!! to your exam... =)did u study??
thanks to Wi-Fi i am replying!
*mwax* ^.^
I did study a bit..but I don't think I did very good, but I'm pretty sure I passed ^^"
WI-FI IS AWESOME! 8D It gives my ipod touch access to internet XD
IKR? wi-fi is oh!some~ xD
Sungmin as the dreamworks man... fishing =D i was fangirling sooo much!!! <3 if only he was =D
"Sungmin? No ofcourse he's not he--Eunhyuk you'll drown the fish!!"
"What are you talking about?! Fishes don't drown idiot!"
Donghae!! XDDDDDD you dork~
"Oh okay...Eunhyuk you can put more water! Kyuhyun said they don't die!!"
Hyukkie must feel bad, Hae doesn't listen to him =[...
And the ending~~ of course Minnie loves you Kyu silly!!! why don't you understand that D= wish for Minnie to stay with you FoReVeR~~<333 FOREVER!!!
now everytime i see it i think of minnie xD
thanks for reading! ^____^
*mwax* ^.^
Ako pala ang naglalagay ng spot para sa sarili ko.
There's a lot of fluff
I'm drowning of fluff-ness sa mga fics na binabasa ko.
because i want fluff...so there is fluffness~~
and i can't write angst on something cute like this, altho i attempted to xD
*Wi-Fi so replying*
Gagawin ko na bukas yung fic mo.
Sana matapos ko at ma-post sa gabi
I wish magustuhan mo yung fail!smut ko xD xD
Ang saya siguro pag may angst yan anu? LOL
Saan ka ngayun at ba't naka-wifi ka din?
actually dun sa hotel may bayad ang wi-fi
kaso nlman ko yung pw xD
biliiiiiiis! excited na akoooooo! xD xD
aantayin ko and kyuwook fail!smut ko!!!
slamat ul8!!!
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