Maxis Taste Dare 28: Fandom, anyone?

Mar 12, 2012 12:06

Hello again!

This month's maxis taste dare gave me the chance to play with an idea I had awhile back - an idea I never acted upon. Mostly because I didn't have time, or it didn't fit in with anything I was currently playing. That kind of thing. But finally! I had the chance!

Without delaying any further:

I chose "The Breakfast Club". Mostly because I LOVE that movie, but also because I was pretty sure there's a poster in the Sims 3 which looks kind of like the well-known Breakfast Club poster. I wanted it for Sims 2:

I had so much fun choosing the sims and setting this up. Honestly. xD

Michelle Tse as Claire 
Bottom Summerdream as Allison
Armand DeBateau as Brian
Tank Grunt as Andrew
Ripp Grunt as John

And a Titanic poster! Rose being played by Lilith Pleasant, Jack being played by Beau Broke.

Eventually, I'll probably turn them into posters for in-game. Until then, that's it for now! I am working on some other movie posters for the dare, but they're not done yet. Hopefully soon!

maxis taste

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