it's wednesday. i made jorn do the car dance this morning--i thought jorn and dylan had done the car dance last night, because no one told me ben upstairs wanted to wait until morning. if i had known, i might've set my alarm ten minutes earlier so i could do it, but as it was, at 7:30am i needed to be leaving the house to get on the T for work (i
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Comments 2
I'm really really fond of the way that the original series is simultaneously both the blueprint and the history for this series -- as you've described, the characters are mostly all there, but with sex changes and sex-obsessions, but on the other hand the way the cylons looked to us in 1978 is the way they apparently looked in the current series 40 years ago. But it's not the same cylons that chased Lorne Green across the galaxy.
And Boxy was there for all of three scenes in the pilot and never seen again. I can deal with this.
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