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Comments 252

D got_trapped March 31 2011, 23:25:48 UTC
[ Kanako is just.


The bouncing. The hypnotic bouncing of those mounds of a goddess. ]


superboobies March 31 2011, 23:30:53 UTC
[ Rangiku notices her easily and begins to eagerly wave ]

Hey! Do you know what this place is and everything? I finished reviewing the information but this is just odd... Do you have anything to help me, information wise? Also, what do I do with this?

[ She picks up the Vulpix and stares down at her. Of course, she holds her up right next to her chest. ]


1/5 got_trapped March 31 2011, 23:37:34 UTC
[ Dear Mother in Heaven, is this an angel that has descended upon me? ]


2/5 got_trapped March 31 2011, 23:38:39 UTC
[ A body that defies natural human physics! The gorgeous, flawless face of one above a mere mortal! No person could be so blessed with such an epitome of, uh-- ]


[video; D] philanthrotaku March 31 2011, 23:28:45 UTC

[What'd she mean she was new? Had she left and forgotten Johto like others had?]


superboobies March 31 2011, 23:33:45 UTC
[ He seemed almost puzzled that she was here, Rangiku noted this but she wouldn't ask it directly. She'll just draw it out of him ]

Yep! That's my name. Why do you ask?!


philanthrotaku March 31 2011, 23:37:01 UTC
...Oh, sorry. I just, uh--never mind. Welcome to Johto, I guess. Are you doing alright?


superboobies March 31 2011, 23:54:13 UTC
I'm not sure if being here is a good thing, but thank you!

[ She has a great, calm smile. There seems to be other people, including herself here, that she can relate with. And they don't seem like bad people! ]

What's your name?


C usedtsundere March 31 2011, 23:32:18 UTC
[ yukari glances over her shoulder when she hears the other woman's voice, and there's a curious blink. ]

Oh, hey!


sfsdgdfh WRONG ICON ): superboobies March 31 2011, 23:48:54 UTC
[ She just strolls over and has a calm smile ]

Do you know ...anything more? Or did you just arrive here, like myself?


THAT'S OKAY BABY. usedtsundere April 1 2011, 09:34:22 UTC
[ she looks up at the woman and then shakes her head a little. ]

Yeah, I just got here, but I've already found some things out. What do you need to know?


superboobies April 2 2011, 01:28:57 UTC
Ugh, I only know what was explained on the video unless you suddenly know more.

I wouldn't mind this if it was a vacation but...suddenly waking up with my "mom" giving me food is weird.

[ Rangiku realizes that the town is powerful against them, but safety comes in numbers ]

Are there others around here like us? Or...?


[Video; D] Oh, I love the organization in this post! 8D of_france April 1 2011, 01:03:20 UTC
[France was pinged first by her appearance (oh, what a lady!) and then by the offer of reward.]

Unfortunately, I am not in New Bark, but I would be glad to be of any assistance, mademoiselle.


aaaah ;___: thank you!! || It's a Fraaaaaaaance ;_______; superboobies April 1 2011, 01:09:33 UTC

Hmmm? Where are you? And what's your name? This place ...just kidnapped me or ..somehow summoned me correct? Do you know of our location? Is it safe here? Questions like that, I guess!

[ It's a lot of questions France, but you can see that she's still keeping you focused by letting herself move around in her loose robe. You're not taking your eyes off of Rangiku and her peppy, jiggly, equator-sized gifts any time soon ]


[Video] I'm so sorry for the late responses. *A* of_france April 4 2011, 01:19:10 UTC
[Totally paying obvious attention to those boobs.]

I'm the Republic of France, and I'm currently staying at the Goldenrod Hotel. If you've just arrived here, you're probably in New Bark Town; no one really knows how we end up here, just that no one chooses to end up here. Safe is fifty-fifty; it largely depends on the weather.


No problem!!!! ;___; superboobies April 4 2011, 07:48:29 UTC
All right. Thank you for the information.

[ Hai and Neko will jiggle for France! ]

I'll try to get to Goldenrod. I've heard of some unlawful actions that I wish to investigate. Hopefully I can meet you there! You seem like a charming young...

Wait, did you just say you're the Republic of France?

[ surely he's joking? right? ]


[video; D] combat_butler April 1 2011, 01:16:29 UTC
*oh my god this lady!! this is not how you use the video the first time you will give poor young boys heart attacks like this one here!!!1*

--u-u-um...! I... I could send you some proper clothes, Matsumoto-san--!!


[ AHAHAAH POOR HAYATE ;_; <3 ] superboobies April 1 2011, 01:28:27 UTC
Hm. Do you have my size or something? I mean...maybe I should try on this lass outfit, just to make sure it doesn't suck, you know!

[ She sets the camera down and Vulpix will come to sniff it. You can see her Shinigami robe, and pink scarf be tossed onto it. Sobs ]


[ sob why so revealing ] combat_butler April 1 2011, 01:33:05 UTC
N-No, I don't, but I could-- *ohhhhhhh my god is she doing what I think she's doing?! He's just GOING QUIET and turning bright red and fffff*


and this thread gets worse superboobies April 1 2011, 01:59:11 UTC
[ All right, so ....the fabric that's supposed to cover above the chest? Yep. That ripped. Even with all of the buttons unbuttoned. Also, you can see that any fabric above her stomach is torn off roughly..

Oh, and that skirt rides up to her upper thigh, just a step forward and there's a 100% chance of a panty shot.

Hayate will get several before picking up the video feed ]

Yep, definitely doesn't fit.


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