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Comments 20

superbmushroom September 22 2009, 13:48:57 UTC
SPOT for famnos!


famnos September 22 2009, 14:25:35 UTC
OMG. This. I love you.
I mean. at first you make me all sad and emotional and then you warm me up and give me hope.

I love it. It really gives me hope and warmes me up and. ah!
You know I said I'd write you some fics...tell me pairings you want? from any fandom/group~ and...if you want you can give me some topics as well or something~ Let's say...give me three pairings?

Ah this makes me so happy~ ^________^

<3 *huggels Zhou and Geng*


superbmushroom September 23 2009, 05:34:36 UTC
hahah, but seriously, i've no idea who is who in this fic because somehow, both of them fit the two characters, so in the end, i chose the easy way and leave them anonymous ><

and omg, three fics? :DDDDD
i cant decide, lol, okay.
1. hankyung/jaejoong -any plot you like but i want geng to top! XD
2. heechul/zhoumi
3. hankyung/kyuhyun (sorry, i just cant resist, heh)
hehehe, thank youuuu <33333333333333333333333!!


famnos September 23 2009, 10:02:02 UTC
haha~ well the smile part...i personally thought that can only be Zhou~ XDD but...it fits either way, yes~

Yes, three fics...they might not be overly long but...yes three!
HanJoong...hm...okay XD top!Geng...*thinks*...*grins*
Heechul/Zhoumi is such a great pairing...
and of course KyuHan. lol
But those are good pairings and I will think of something NOW~ muahaha~


followurdestiny September 22 2009, 14:19:20 UTC
ahww... the feelings pained my heart, but the healing and the warmth of the saviour made my heart swell :) ♥


superbmushroom September 23 2009, 15:17:15 UTC
keke, thank youuu though i'm not sure who is who in this fic ._.


followurdestiny September 23 2009, 19:42:38 UTC
I also couldn't figure it out... I started with the one in pain being Geng, but then it changed to Zhoumi ... and I just don't know >_


reader_a September 22 2009, 14:43:05 UTC
aww. so beautiful.
we all need a "saviour" in our lives ^^


superbmushroom September 23 2009, 15:18:15 UTC
yeah, we do, and hannie is my saviour, lol


lena_sujuaddctd September 27 2009, 18:44:22 UTC
I love this.
It was a good idea to let them both unknown because I totally can see both of them in this role.

Hangeng & Zhou Mi is eternal love.


superbmushroom September 28 2009, 07:59:29 UTC
hahaha, that was the reason why i left them anonymous because i've no idea who i am writing about >< /fails one moment, the person sounded like geng, and the next moment he became Mimi, in the end i took the easy way out and leave them anonymous, lol. omg, i fail so much XDDDD

they're cute in their own ways but ugh, this pairing is so rare (hardly sees them had any fanservice. hmmm)


lena_sujuaddctd September 28 2009, 10:26:46 UTC
lol great. Thats one way to do things X'DD

I agree with that. I mean I'm like the biggest fangirl of geng.
And Zhou Mi is just love. <3
I think they're ALMOST as sweet as HanHyun <3

yeah I don't see them doin' some fanservice togehter either. >///<
BUT I saw some sweet pictures with the two of them <3
was it happy camp? xD or happy family? lol idk. FAILISM


superbmushroom September 28 2009, 11:48:43 UTC
omg, geng is my fave member too (ever since i saw him in full house)!!!
yeah, i've a thing for foreigners, like this huge kink, lolXDDDDD
ugh, its hard to find kyuhan fan with all the hanchul and shihan, but i dont care, in my opinion kyuhan is like so married, despite all the 483749823747 hanchul photos, lol /living in my own world

hahah, you mean the recent ones? i believe it is happy camp, i dont know too, lol XD


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