Title: A Year Without Batman (3 of 4)
taro_twistClaim No.: 103 for
samibeePrompt: Brucie gets kidnapped, Batman is not amused, Bruce has to balance the act. Meanwhile Clark Kent investigates the high profile kidnapping and Superman saves the day. Even though Batman could have totally handled it himself...
Word Count: 12,383
A Year Without Batman (3 of 4) )
Comments 16
Ahhhh! Oh, the snark and denial and hope are just too much.
“I thought I was supposed to be telling you not to worry,” Clark raised his eyes from the plastic lemon he was holding to look at Alfred.
“Yes, but you were doing a bloody terrible job of it, so I thought I’d take over,” Alfred commented as he removed the tray of cupcakes from the oven. Clark laughed in spite of himself.
*laughs a lot*
Your Alfred is just perfect. And I love the touch of Clark finally deciding to try magic.
P.S. I didn't mention it earlier, but I love your Jason too. May I steal the idea that he plays the piano for my version?
Initially, I had planned to have the Fortress solve the whole thing for him, lol, but when I wrote it down the magic thing just sort of ... came out all on its own. Glad you liked it. :)
May I steal the idea that he plays the piano for my version?
Since he plays the piano (well, Heart and Soul at least, lol) in Returns, I think it could be considered canon. So feel free to use it--it's definitely not an original idea of mine. :-P
*smacks head* Doh! I'm such a dummy.
OTOH, my Jason may well want to have nothing to do with pianos now...
Clark trying magic is really... like, I don't know. THE act of love, truly. I love it! And your Alfred is wonderful, I agree with T, very Toon!Alfred, dry and fun, concerned and.. wonderful. Just great.
And LOIS KNOOOWS! I knew it! Yay for Lois! I love your Lois so much.
Bruce snarking about True Love was priceless. Poor boy! I how you write him, but as I read him snark about it I remembered the bit on the first chapter about how he was a pessimist like that, and I love just how congruent you write him. Your Bruce makes me think of the Bruce *you* write, you have your own archetype for him... or something. I might not be making much sense, but I think your Bruce, your Clark and your Lois are very recognizable, and made of awesome.
Onto the next one!
LOL. I never thought of it that way, but I guess it is since he's supposed to hate magic so much. Aww ... now I have warm fuzzies. You're making me like this story so much more, lol. *grin*
And LOIS KNOOOWS! I knew it! Yay for Lois!
Yes, she does! I'm not sure how this whole thing slipped in there, since it's an S/B story, but not only did Lois insist on being used as a supporting character, but she also insisted on a sub-plot of her own, heeheehee. At least she didn't get mad. :D
And I'm thrilled to hear that my Bruce is consistent. I always feel like he's ... not consistent, so it's nice to see him through someone else's eyes. :) And yay ... I have archetypes ... woohoo! You definitely have a distinctive Bruce. He's so nice and warm and friendly. Ee! *gets distracted thinking of Mina's Bruce*
Your Alfred is spot on and the “Yes, but you were doing a bloody terrible job of it, so I thought I’d take over” line was magnificent.
Clark doing magic, or trying to get Alfred to do magic was priceless as well.
And, again, you mix humorous and atmospheric language so well.
And the last lines--the image of these two men descending ever more into the water--into the darkness. Wow.
I have to confess, every time someone has said something similar to that about this story, I've cringed mightily ... I feel like this fic needs a warning along the lines of: "It's all downhill after Part 2!" But I think that might just be me ... I need to stop being so twitchy and self-conscious ... and I'm glad that I managed to put you on the edge of your seat, even if it's possible that I dropped you in the end (my apologies if I did ^-^).
Clark doing magic, or trying to get Alfred to do magic was priceless as well.
I did have a lot of fun with this scene, though. Technically, I feel like the magic shouldn't have even worked since they both barely have any idea of what they're doing ... but I guess those British genes are good for something after all. ;p
Boys in love. Boys in SUCH denial.
I still haven't figured out whether it's canon in the comics that Alfred knows Clark's identity, lol, but it shows up in so much S/B fic that it's become canon in my mind. ;p Alfred is rather collected about the whole business, though, isn't he? The unflappable Brit to the end!
And I am sure he knows more than he's saying when he 'gets his second wind.'
Surely I have no idea what you're talking about ... *whistles innocently*
And your icons are cracking me up ... ;p
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