Title: Embarrassing As It May Be
merfillyClaim No.: 130
Prompt: A story based on the Sins of Youth, Young Justice storyline where both Bruce and Clark are kids.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1014
Notes: Beta by
ilyena_sylph :-:
Embarrassing As It May Be )
Comments 5
"I find it very hard…"
"So do I…and so good," Clark teased, running a hand back up the inside of Bruce's thigh, kneeling there.
"…to believe you, at this age, even thought of doing anything remotely like this," Bruce continued, as if uninterrupted.
"Might have thought about some things…but you were my primary corrupting influence," Clark said
I love the casually sexy banter here, and the way the loss of control switches off so nicely between the two of them. They seems really evenly matched and fun and just...*hugs teen world's finest*
>>"Thank you for that …relief." He reached for his gear, watching Clark's face immediately fall.
So teenager. So funny. LOL Kudos.
Well, I'd rather not contemplate teen-aged boys for too long as they are something close to the nadir of humanity, but they can be delightful fodder for a fic such as this.
Wow, Filly. Wow.
I think I'll close by paraphrasing Clark, "[you] should do that again."
Because it made me laugh. :)
Very steamy fic. XD
Gotta order that comic, I suppose. ;)
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