Slave for Love - Chapter 11 of ?

Oct 28, 2007 00:51

Title: Slave for Love
Author : Annie
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Jared/Jensen/others
Rating: NC17
Summary : Jared is a reporter who will do anything for a story. When his plane crashes during an important job he finds himself in the Harem of a notorious sheik - Jensen. Eroticism, sex and love may follow!
Author’s notes: This is possibly the most AU of all the AU’s I’ve done and I’m not sure where it came from or where it is going!

It will also be more erotic and sexual than I have attempted in the past - so I hope I do ok - just imaging Jared naked in a bath had me going - so this could be a long haul!

Previous chapter

The Night Before
Tomorrow he would be married and he couldn’t sleep; he tossed and turned in his bed, wanting to drink something to shut out the thoughts that shot through his head like fire. He could see his wedding suit hanging on the edge of the wardrobe and he wanted to get out of bed and rip it to shreds. Suddenly it felt like a fucking strait jacket.

He got out of bed and put on his dressing gown. He could hear his parents talking in the sitting room below him and he sat on top of the stairs, staring down at the closed door, knowing that he was going to break their hearts and, possibly, Sandy’s as well. He knew then that he had been selfish and foolish and, as Jensen had once called him, up tight. He had shunned the only real love he had ever known, all because he was a fucking coward. He swallowed and got to his feet.

It was time to put things right.

“I have to talk to you” he sat his momma down and knelt at her feet, taking her hands in his, watching her face as he spoke to her, his voice slow, steady and calm “I’m sorry - but I can’t marry Sandy - I should never have gotten into this mess - and I hate myself more than you can possibly hate me - but I don’t love her - I love someone else”

“Jared?” it was his father who spoke and he could already see the tears in his mom’s eyes “What is it son? Is it just last minute nerves?”

“No - it isn’t - look - I’m sorry - really sorry” he swallowed hard “You remember the Sheik - Jensen - he came here - you remember yeah?”

“He came here to see you” his mother’s eyes looked straight at him and he could see the realisation dawning in her eyes

“Yeah” Jared smiled, wryly “I’m in love with him momma - I’m so in love with him and - and I think I might have ruined things for us both - but I’ve gotta try - try and get him to take me back - I - I love him momma - and I can’t marry Sandy or anyone else - I’m sorry”

He shut the door on his mother’s sobs and he could not regret. It was time for him to face real life and he knew that, whatever happened, he was doing the right thing.

He bathed. It had been difficult, but he had found some oil which he managed to rub over his body, making it shine in the half light of his room. He brushed his hair back from his face and splashed cologne on his face and neck. By the time he had finished he was already hard and aching and he smiled; he was going back to Jensen and all he could hope is that he would be forgiven.

He could see the taxi driver watching him in the rear view mirror and he smiled, knowing that the man wanted to say something, do something, but the fare he had given him was four times as much as he usually earned and the dollars in his pocket were keeping his mouth shut. Jared was naked beneath the overcoat he wore and he knew that the driver knew. His legs were too long to be covered entirely by the long, black garment and his feet were bare. It was early spring and, thankfully, not too cold and, despite his body shaking with nerves, he was excited and determined.

This was all he had to offer Jensen; he had no riches, no palace, no treasures. All he had was his body and his soul and they both belonged to the Sheik. He knew that Jensen could very well refuse him, turn him away, send him back into the world again and, if he did, it would be no more than Jared deserved.

He had told his parents and confessed to Sandy; everyone knew now and, whatever happened, his life was never going to be the same again.

The hotel was in semi-darkness and the receptionist let him by without even blinking. There were two huge guards at the lifts but neither of them gave him even a second glance. He kept his chin high and walked tall, his bare feet pattering on the linoleum. He got in the lift, pressed the button and let the doors swish shut.

He was going home.

The door to Jensen’s suite was unlocked, just as he suspected it might have been. He took a deep breath and let himself inside, heart beating as he walked into the darkened room, unbuttoning his coat as he went.

The room was silent; illuminated only by a soft bedside lamp. The four poster was empty and the bathroom door closed. Jensen sat in one of the easy chairs, wearing only a loose pair of sweat pants and a tee-shirt. He looked so pale, so sad, his hair longer, his chin covered in soft, red stubble. Green eyes flickered once as he watched Jared’s approach but, apart from that, he did not move.

Jared let the overcoat fall to the ground; he stood, naked, for a moment and then went to his knees, his head bowed “This is all I have to offer you - this is all I can give you to let you know just how sorry I am for what I have done to you. I have betrayed your trust just like the others who did so before - but I did not mean to - I - I have been stupid but now I know that I was wrong” he paused head still down, hardly daring to breath “I have come to ask you to forgive me - to make me yours again - please - Jensen - I - I - I am so in love with you”

There they were; those three little words that he could never bring himself to say and now they hung in the air between the two men, an invitation, a confession, a plea for forgiveness. Jared did not dare raise his head, did not dare look up and see the expression on Jensen’s face. He kept his head low, his eyes closed. His knees ached against the cold floor and his spine was bowed painfully but he was prepared to stay there, forever if needs be, so that he could earn Jensen’s forgiveness.

Finally he heard the older man rise and he heard the pad of footsteps across the room. A gentle hand rested on his head and he felt the familiar tangle of fingers in his hair. “Sweet one” the voice was hesitant, lost, nothing like the strident voice he had come to associate with his lover “Sweet one - do you mean what you say?”

Jared did not speak; instead he shuffled closer and put his hands on the older man’s waist. He leant forward so that he could put his mouth on the cotton over Jensen’s cock, feeling the older man harden instantly, hearing his moan. Smiling, he pulled the waistband of the sweat pants down and let Jensen’s hardness enter his mouth. He gasped at the taste of it, swirling his tongue across the head, letting his fingers work on the shaft and stroke gently behind the silky balls. Jensen groaned, fingers tightening in Jared’s hair and he began to thrust his hips rhythmically, unable to hold back the stream of erotic words that fell from his lips.

Jared moved his mouth and hands harder and faster until, suddenly, Jensen was coming, hot and salty on his tongue. He swallowed, throat working convulsively, taking in as much as he could, letting the rest dribble down his chin, revelling in the feel of Jensen’s hands in his hair, his hips against his shoulders, his soft cock still resting on his tongue.

“Oh my beautiful boy” Jensen fell to his knees before Jared and gathered the naked man into his arms “You came back to me”

“Your door was unlocked” Jared let those arms hold him and he felt tears spill down his cheeks, grateful and relieved that Jensen still wanted him, still cared.

“Yes sweet one - I was waiting for you” Jensen’s mouth crashed onto his in a passionate kiss and that was all Jared needed.

He would never leave this man’s side again.

Final chapter
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