Slave for Love - Chapter 3 of ?

Oct 17, 2007 00:00

Title: Slave for Love
Author : Annie
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Jared/Jensen/others
Rating: NC17
Summary : Jared is a reporter who will do anything for a story. When his plane crashes during an important job he finds himself in the Harem of a notorious sheik - Jensen. Eroticism, sex and love may follow!
Author’s notes: This is possibly the most AU of all the AU’s I’ve done and I’m not sure where it came from or where it is going!

It will also be more erotic and sexual than I have attempted in the past - so I hope I do ok - just imaging Jared naked in a bath had me going - so this could be a long haul!

Disclaimer: I don’t own Jared or Jensen - but I wish I did. None of this is true and it is all made up. I don’t do this for profit - just for the pure enjoyment of writing!

Previous chapter

The Sheik’s Palace
Jared rose uncomfortably; there was blood and come sticky on his thighs and he felt himself flush, his head lowered. He was not a prisoner, he had rights. He swallowed and allowed himself to be led into the bathroom where he was able to wash himself and shave.

One of the servant girls handed him a large white robe, bowing low “Master will meet you in the breakfast room” she said “Follow me”

The palace appeared huge; long corridors decorated with golden statues and colourful paintings. Each seemed to lead to another room, larger and more luxurious than the last. Finally they arrived at their destination and the girl bowed low and left.

The room was guarded by four huge black men; swords hung at their waists. Jared remembered what he had read about men in Harems and he couldn’t help but stare at the guards, wondering if they still had their manhood. He heard a chuckle and turned to see the Sheik, Jensen, watching him, a smile playing around his pale face.

“I do not believe in those practises” Jensen said, gesturing that Jared join him at the table “All the guards you see here are true men - I rely on loyalty and trust”

Jared gazed at the large, marble table. It was literally groaning with food; fruits, bread, meat and pastries. Jensen helped himself to a plateful and gestured that Jared do the same.

“I’m not hungry” Jared sat on the bench and poured himself out a glass of water

“You need to eat - you will need to keep your strength up”

“You cannot keep me here” Jared began again “People will be looking for me”

“Oh yes - they will search for your plane - but when they find it - will they find you?”

Jared stared at Jensen and his heart sank; the Sheik was right, any rescuers would find the plane, find the dead pilot but there would be no trace of Jared, he would be missing, presumed dead and it was doubtful that any search would find this place - wherever it was.

“What do you want from me?” Jared shifted on the bench, his muscles aching, his ass sore and bruised, memories of last night’s pleasure beginning to ebb away and be replaced by shame

“I told you my sweet one” Jensen smiled and put a hand on Jared’s thigh, caressing it through the soft robe “I want you for my pleasure”

“What about your wives? What about all the women in your harem?” Jared wanted to move away from the probing hand

“Women are for sons - men are for pleasure” Jensen laughed “And you are one of the most beautiful I have ever seen”

“There are no men here” Jared swallowed “Where are the men?”

“There have been men - but they - they go” Jensen did not answer any further and he grabbed Jared’s head, wrenching it so that he was forced to look into those glittering green eyes “You will stay - you are a treasure I refuse to let go”

“I don’t understand - why are you here - in the middle of the fucking desert?”

“I am bastard son of an Egyptian prince - he had many legitimate heirs but he loved my mother and I was his favourite - he built this palace for me” he smiled “You ask too many questions sweet one - you must learn that knowledge is nothing without pleasure”

“I am not your sweet one” Jared felt his face flush angrily “I will not submit to you again - I will not be drugged for your gratification”

“Do you have a name?”

“Jared” the reply was curt “My name is Jared Padalecki and I am a reporter”

“Not any longer Jared Padalecki - you are now mine”

“I am not yours” Jared shook his head “And never will be”

“We will see” Jensen shrugged. He rose and wiped his mouth on a napkin “I have work to do Jared - I will send my women to you and they will take you to your rooms. Tonight - you will prepare yourself for me and leave your door unlocked”

“Fuck you” Jared turned, anger warring with embarrassment, weakness and a little fear “You can keep me here - but you cannot force me to do anything I do not want to do”

“Tonight” Jensen spoke as if he had not heard a word Jared said and then, with a curt nod, he was gone.

Jared’s Rooms

He had never been in such a wonderful place before. The rooms were huge, light and airy, caged birds hanging from the ceiling filling the place with riots of colour and noise. There was a large bed with white silk sheets and comfortable feather pillows, wardrobes big enough to stand in and several velvet settees. There was a book shelve full of books, all in English and large jugs of water and bowls of fruit.

It may seem like paradise but it was still his prison and Jared sat on the bed, his head in his hands, wondering if he could survive this ordeal.

He had always been in charge of his own life, his own destiny and now, through some twist of fate, his life was now in someone else’s hand and this someone wanted to use him. It was virtually rape.

Yet a small voice inside of him kept nagging at him, telling him that he had enjoyed it; that he had wanted it and that he would want it again. Jared flushed, drawing the robe further around his body. No - he shook his head - no - he would not submit again - he would rather die.

Night came upon him quickly and the three women who had prepared him the evening before came for him. The blonde lowering herself to her knees “We have come to bathe you”

“No - I will not come with you” Jared sat on the edge of the bed, his knuckles white “I will not be prepared and, you can tell your master, I will not open my doors”

The girls looked worried but the blonde spoke to them in a language that Jared did not understand and all three bowed and were gone.

He had no idea of the time, but it seemed like an eternity later when he heard the banging on his doors. He bit his lip so hard it bled and his heart began to pound. Jensen’s voice, soft and persuasive, echoed through the room “Sweet one - let me in”

Jared stayed still and silent; his head turned to the wall. There was movement and then he heard something jangling and a key turning. He might have known, he thought wryly, that Jensen would have access to every room.

The Sheik was wearing his billowing white robe and very little else. If he were angry he did not show it and he breezed into the room with two guards in his wake “I was hoping that this would not be necessary - that you would come of your own accord” he shrugged “Now - I am here - so it is time for you to take off your robes and accept the inevitable”

“No!” Jared backed up against the bed “I will not do anything for you - force me if you will - but I will not give into you willingly”

“Indeed” Jensen smiled, his eyes bright and he clapped his hands once “Then you leave me with no choice”

The guards rushed forward and grabbed Jared by the arms. One pulled the robe from his shoulders, while the other forced him onto the bed. Restraints were, again, put on his wrists and ankles, but this time they were harsh metal handcuffs and they chaffed his skin as he struggled, fear pounding through his body. Finally one of the guards pulled a piece of cloth firmly over his eyes and he was blind, tears of terror seeping through the cotton and falling onto his hot cheeks.

He was going to die; this was his punishment for refusal. He had seen the sword and now it was going to be used upon him. Sobs shook him and he tried to suppress them, wanting only to die a noble death.

His whole body was tense and he waited in the cloying darkness for the harsh blow that would end his life. Instead there was silence and the harsh pounding of his heart.

“Now my sweet one” Jensen’s voice, close to his ear “Let us see if you come to me willingly”

Jared felt his breath stutter in his throat and then, suddenly, he felt a light, tickling sensation across his side and he gasped as he realised that it was a feather.

The touch was light, a gentle swipe from the tip of his shoulder down his side, over his hip bone and across his thigh. He shivered and goose bumps rose on his skin. He heard Jensen laugh and he felt the touch again, soft and quick, across his chest and down to his navel.

This went on for some time, the same soft touch, until Jared was shuddering, his breath coming in short, sharp pants. Then there was another feather, one either side, stroking up and down, touching everything but his cock, which was suddenly beginning to harden even as he fought against it.

He thought about anything he could; trying to suppress the sensations flooding through his body. He was not drugged now; there was nothing he could blame for these feelings. He heard Jensen laugh and felt the light tickling of the feathers move downwards until one played across his balls whilst the other stroked up and down his cock.

Jared lifted his hips and moaned. Jensen’s breath was close to his cheek now and he felt soft lips caress his skin “Do you need something sweet one?”

“I - I need to - oh God - please”

“If I free you now - will you run” the feathers were stroking faster now and Jared wanted nothing more than to have them replaced with Jensen’s fingers

“No - I - not now - please Jensen - please”

He felt the handcuffs being released and then the blindfold removed and, suddenly, he was on top of Jensen, kissing him hard and desperate, thrusting his cock into the groove of the older man’s hip.

“There is so much I can teach you about gratification and satisfaction my lover” Jensen hissed into his ear “But now we must reach our goal” he broke the kiss to grab Jared’s hair “I want you inside me”

“I’ve - I’ve never - never done this before” he was so turned on it was embarrassing and he could barely control himself “I don’t know what to do”

“It is like with a woman - come beautiful - you will not hurt me” a soft hand took his cock and guided it downwards “I want you”

Then he was inside Jensen and it was warm and oh so tight and he knew he would not last long. He thrust once, twice and then it was over and he was coming like a teenage boy, hard and desperate. Jensen laughed in his ear and clenched hard; he pulled Jared’s hand to his cock and guided it up and down until the older man was coming, hissing words of passion into Jared’s hair.

Jared rolled off the Sheik and buried his head into Jensen’s shoulder, unable to speak, unable to find words to describe what had happened to him.

“One day my sweet one” Jensen whispered “You will open your door to me willingly”

Jared slept.

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