Finally I made a tutorial! Hope you'll like it!:)
1. At first duplicate your base and set it to screen.
2. Then you should make a new layer and fill it with ff8a00. Set it to Soft light and make 35% opacity.
3. Then make selective coloring layer. Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Selective Coloring.
Reds: -100 0 +100 +30
Yellow: -100 0 -20 0
Neutrals: +69 -21 -70 0
4.Make another selective coloring layer.
Reds: -100 0 +100 +30
Yellow: -100 0 -11 0
Neutrals: +60 -2 -21 +20
5. Duplicate your base and move it to the top. Set this layer to Soft light.
6. Make new layer and fill it with yellow color(fffc00). Set it to multiply 18% opacity.
7. Make Brightness/Contrast layer. Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Brightness/Contrast.
Contrast - about 20
8. Then make new layer with this texture. And set it to Lighten.
That's all:) But you should remember that all setting depends on your picture.
Another examples of this tutorial