Fandom: Saiyuki
Author: Sunspot
Title: Cant dels Ocells
Rating: PG 13
Note: A Christmas gift for Lawless, who wanted Sanzo and Goku and birdsong. El cant dells ocells is a Catalán Christmas carol. The title means “Carol of the Birds.” Advent Challenge day 25
Cant dels Ocells )
Comments 19
A good one for the finish.
Congratulations, both for doing it and doing it so well.
Really, that's yet *another* brilliant idea!
I'm sorry about your cold. Take care of yourself.
Love Sanzo's thought processes through the whole thing.
Thanks for sharing such a lovely ficlet. ^^
And, er, this made you blush? Not part 7 of the Chanukah fic? (Just teasing. Actually, anything racy makes me blush. Rather embarrassing.)
In general I tend not to get too hung up on who does what, and often write pairings in which fucking itself is not happening (anal sex not being something that most folks jump right into, after all) but for some reason I really see Sanzo and Goku as, once they have an ongoing sexual relationship and are used to each other, including a fair amount of fucking and defaulting to Sanzo bottoming. I think he needs a place to let go and not be in charge (not that that is necessarily the dynamic for anal intercourse, but I think it's how it would often be for these two). And I've probably gone on more than you'd like on the topic. Whoops.
I think a lot of Saiyuki writers share your sentiment that Sanzo would prefer to give up control during sex and let Goku/Gojyo/Hakkai (depending who writes the story, lol) lead for once.
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