So, I've been wondering around for the past few weeks with a constant yelling in my head. For some reason all I can picture is the guy from the
"We're not gonna take it" video hovering over me and yelling
"What do you wanna do with your LIFE?"
I dunno.
I just don't know.
Comments 2
I'm sorry, Eddie Izzard just snuck up on me!
What's your primary motivation? What drives you and inspires you? Figure out what that is and find a way to get paid for it, and you're off to a running start. You worked in a library out in Cali - had you considered offering to do so here? I'm not sure if they're even hiring, but if you liked it, then I don't see why you wouldn't shoot for the same here. Photography as a major? The Heron Art school is probably open to take classes in the fall, if you like. Touring the local art galleries, museums and wineries while practicing elitist nose-upturning? I could recommend a few locally.
I dunno - sounds like maybe you need to find someone wiser than me, though I'm willing to lend an ear, if that's the goal.
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