Title: Reality - Part Eight of Eight - Epilogue
Author: Roguie/ SunSpecOps/ Danae Bowen
Fandom: Primeval
Characters: Connor Temple/Abby Maitland
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance
Rating: M - violence, perceived death, sexual situations.
Word Count: Approximately 22k in total; 1100 this part.
Spoilers: Set Post Series 5 - everything is fair game.
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Comments 11
At least here, they can move on and build new happy memories with Addy.
I love this story. As hard as it was to read, it was beautiful and passionate. And I'm so glad we pushed you to write more. :-) *HUGS*
EDIT: Do you think Connor and Abby ever told anyone, like Evan or Dylan or anyone really, about Jaime?
Your writing's so persuasive and moving that I still feel the loss of Jaime right there with Abby and Connor. They'll forever suffer the wound of having, loving and losing him. But, mercifully and joyfully they have their little miracle of love in Addie. She'll bring balance and temperance to all things and I can see already that she strenghthens their love. It was lovely and beautiful to behold them with her.
This has been an epic tale of tradegy and coming full circle into happiness and fresh starts.
Truly gorgeous tale. And don't you dare stop writing Connor and Abby, ever!
Oh, I did forget one comment. Loved Connor coming all over jealous and punching Evan! That was funny!
Thank you
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