Home Is Where the Heart Is, pt 1 of 3

Sep 25, 2009 21:37

It was easier to blend in at night. Diederich walked the streets of Silvermoon City, hood of his dark blue cloak pulled over his conspicuous pale blue hair, and with a pair of goggles he'd bought cheap off a desperate engineer masking his blue eyes. No one gave him a second glance. In the dark, his only remaining distinguishing feature-his dead, graphite colored skin-was hard to notice.

Diederich stopped in front of an old but well-maintained apartment building. Candlelight was just barely visible filtering through the thin curtains of Corinthiahn's second-story apartment from the street below.

Corinthiahn was not the apartment's full-time inhabitant. This was his lover's apartment. He came here the same two nights every week like clockwork. Though he only ever visited, Corinthian owned the place. As his tastes changed, old lovers were moved out and new lovers were moved in.

Diederich picked the lock on the apartment building's front door with a cheap lock-picking set he'd bought off a desperate rogue. Seemed like everybody was scraping for gold these days.

He swept inside and shut the door behind him with the softest possible click. He pushed the goggles up off his eyes as he climbed the stairs. No more need for disguises. He left them on top of his head for his trip back out of the city... once he was done.

-to be continued-


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