Eway ficlet #2

Dec 08, 2007 18:12

Title: Spreading the midnight cheer
Characters: Xemnas & Future!Yotsuba
Rating: G.
Summary: It's late at night. And sometimes, the most interesting cravings lead to pleasant conversations. This is also a gift to impasse for her birthday. I do hope you like it Kimmy-poo. D:

It was a shame that the mansion closets didn't provide food along with the clothes they wore.

Xemnas begrudgingly made his way from the fourth floor down the grand staircase that connected all of the other ten floors. It was dark outside, and he idly wondered if there was anyone awake.

He hoped they wouldn't be. It wouldn't do good for anyone (especially any of the Organization) to see that their Superior had been struck by a midnight craving of the sweets.

Number I pushed a gloved hand onto the kitchen door and nudged it open. Upon seeing no one amongst the dimly lit room, he flipped the light switch and pulled a plate and a clear glass from the cupboard. After placing them on the counter top, he had made his way to the refridgerator when the door to the kitchen was nudged open.

Yotsuba, the one from the future, had found herself having another upsetting dream -- nothing as bad as the nightmares she had been having before, but enough that she couldn't sleep. She had been heading to the kitchen to get a warm glass of milk to ease her nerves, but curiousity had gotten the best of her when she saw the light on.

Now she was standing in the door way staring at the image of Xemnas pulling out the bottle of milk and some fudge that she could've sworn Saix had made while she was baking along side of him.

She couldn't help but laugh inwardly at the idea of the Superior caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Ah. Hi." Yotsuba answered sheepishly as she walked in. He was giving her a peering look, and by that, she knew that they hadn't met in this time yet. So silently, she went to the pantry and pulled out a plate of cookies that she had stored away; chocolate chip cookies to be precise.

When she had looked back, she had seen that Xemnas had sat himself down at the little island counter with his glass filled and the plate of fudge unwrapped. She wasn't sure if he expected her to just up and leave. After all, he did have that authorative aura surrounding him.

But Yotsuba knew better and smiled gently as she walked to cupboard to get herself an empty glass. She must have startled Xemnas, because when she turned around, he had straightened up, still eyeing her cautiously.

What he didn't expect, was the older version of Yotsuba walking over and taking a seat in front of him. The Superior watched as the woman took the bottle of milk and poured herself a glass. When she was done, she nudged the bottle and the plate of cookies towards him.

He leaned back, switching from eyeing the plate to the young lady that had so presumptuously sat herself in front of him; as if she didn't care who he was or if he could potentially hurt her. Which he could. Really.

"It's the season to give." Yotsuba answered to his silent concern. She smiled against the rim of the milk glass and took a sip of the cold milk before eating.

Xemnas took the moment to take in the information and glanced out the kitchen window. It was that time of the year wasn't it? He remembered Christmas briefly when the Organization had learned of 'Christmas Town', and he vaguely remember the holiday's being celebrated.

Why this young lady had decided to share some 'Christmas Cheer' with him made him question her motives. Although, when he stared at her long enough, he noticed that every so often, she would quiver and her eyes would turn cold and empty before warming back up to the emerald color they shone with.

Maybe it wouldn't hurt to be civil to someone outside of of the Organization for a little while.

"If that were the case, I want this mansion to return what was lost."

Without thinking, he reached for the cookie and held the pastry in his gloved hand . He lifted it to his mouth, but froze when the girl had placed her cup down and had stopped him from eating, "Excuse me?" He almost hissed out.

She wasn't put off in the least as she took a piece of fudge and placed it ontop of the chocolate chip cookie. With a grin, she let his hand go and then went back to holding her own cup of milk, "Try it now."

He was hesitant. Someone he had just met, had touched his snack. Then again, she had been eating the cookies herself and hadn't expected company. Lifting it up, he took a bite of the cookie fudge pairing and chewed. .. and chewed. And then slowly washed it down with a gulp of milk.

"So? How was it?"

Xemnas stared at her expectant face, eyes all a glow while waiting for an answer, "It's good." When he spoke, she looked relieved and for someone with no heart, her smiling face seemed to relieve him as well.

For what seemed like hours, they shared words over cookies, fudge and milk until the clover girl had peered at the clock with a somber face.

"I should get back. Daddy might be up soon and he'll freak if I'm not there." The Superior arched an eyebrow at her statement but only gave a nod. She looked like she had relaxed more the longer they had talked.

"Thanks for keeping me up, it was nice not being alone."

She cleaned up her mess, wrapping up her own cookies to put away, and cleaning her own cup. He had closed his eyes while sipping his glass of milk; a sign he wasn't too bothered by her presence anymore.

As she walked to the kitchen door, she glanced back at Xemnas and stared at him for a moment before waving, "You know, they miss you too. You should hang around more often so that everyone doesn't have to worry about you."

By the time he had let the words sink in, she had left the kitchen and it was too late to question her on what advice she had offered.
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