Mar 22, 2004 12:49
Hello all,
There have been many questions asked by my adoring fans, why my login name is not smouldering temptress, and how I came up with this whole sunshinegirl007 thing. Well let me answer that so that I can dispell any rumours that might be floating around that I have lost my smouldering temptress powers. (For the are still around in full swing)
Well it all started last Sunday, so a week ago, when I was creating my LJ. One of the first things that they asked was for me to think of a login name. Now, smouldering temptress would be the obvious choice, since, well, I am one. But alas it was not meant to be for my name could only be 15 characters long, and smouldering temptress obviously did not fit.
So why not Smouldering or Temptress you might ask??? Well there is a simple answer to that. Does Smouldering sound good on its own??? NO!!! Does Temptress sound good on its own??? Better than smouldering but still for our purposes NO!!! It just wouldn't be the same. So hence any remnent of smouldering temptress just could not be.
Now the question is why sunshine girl 007? Well that I can answer you. Once I knew that on LJ I could not be smouldering temptress, I went to my trusted friend the enforcer to try and brainstorm an appropriate name. Just recently both he and nice had started calling me sunshine and then I took it one step further to sunshinegirl, but then to be ultra chic I decided to be a bond chick, thus I added the 007. So it became sunshinegirl007, which is quite a flusyish name, almost reminds me of a stripper name or something.
So there you have it. The not quite so interesting story of the sunshinegirl007, and the lack of the smouldering temptress. But don't worry. The Smouldering Temptress is still around in full force.
I hope all the rumours have been crushed now, and that people's questions have been answered. I know it is not a very clever and romantic type story, but whatcha gonna do???