
Dec 14, 1988 12:21

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Comments 26

xhighclass July 15 2004, 11:20:47 UTC
i saw you around hogwartshouses (i am in slytherin) and i saw you at fictional characters so i decided to check you out because i am a stalker, then i looked at your interests and i fell over in my chair
friend me please ??



sunshinegal5109 July 15 2004, 11:40:42 UTC
hehe sure!


itgoesbyfast July 16 2004, 11:14:48 UTC
you are so cool.

add me?

i added you.


sunshinegal5109 July 16 2004, 12:02:30 UTC
lol sure... are you from a community or something?


itgoesbyfast July 16 2004, 12:36:43 UTC
i was just randomly going to all these communities and el-jays of people.... and looked @ their friends, etc. etc. :D


fairy_princesss July 17 2004, 14:17:08 UTC
hi! you seem really cool. I added you, so add me back, please.


sunshinegal5109 July 17 2004, 14:25:31 UTC
added :)


hey! dm_rabid_fangrl July 20 2004, 08:31:25 UTC
i think you joined my community Feltonz_gurlz so yeah i was just seein who you were.
peace, ,love, and bouncing ferrets,


Re: hey! sunshinegal5109 July 20 2004, 10:47:12 UTC
hola. I_heart_tom_felton recruited me to your community... she joined one of mine (hp_obsessions). Yeah your community looked fun so I thought I'd join :)


Re: hey! dm_rabid_fangrl July 20 2004, 12:15:30 UTC
yay! lol, i am tryin to set up a rpg 2. im gonna have danielle (ihearttomfelton) make it pretty so i dont want anyone there till she does that but ya. ciao


hehehe dm_rabid_fangrl July 22 2004, 17:56:44 UTC
i think i get it. r u tha one who wants to join under the name call_me_luna for the part of luna in the ultimate_hp_rpg?? if you r then i am sry i am dumb too! lol. so yeah i am blond and i got to much sun so i am confuzzled herre. but yeah. i had to confirm anyhow lol.


Re: hehehe sunshinegal5109 July 22 2004, 20:56:36 UTC
yes. I am :) hehe it's quite alright


Re: hehehe dm_rabid_fangrl July 23 2004, 05:38:05 UTC
i talked to daniele last might and found out that i am the most blonde person ever known to walk the earth. lol. yea!! so i get it! woo-hoo i aded you :)


Re: hehehe sunshinegal5109 July 23 2004, 12:34:33 UTC
hehe it's okay to be "blonde".... we're on summer vacation for crying out loud :> I'll add you back


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