1. Why u went to SWW, when u want to hang out (lol) and where u want to hang out (lol again) 2. You're one of my best friends, I love you, you're amazing to me. 3. See number 2 4. The Channukah Song (since we sang it in teh mall to combat Christmas music), Let it Be, (insert third song here) 5. red for outgoing, blue for calm, green becuase I like green. 6. kind, compassionate, friendly 7. Willow from camp, Grasshopper from camp, and NOT Karen and Nicole from camp 8. "I get by with a little help from my friends." -the Beatles 9. smiling 10. Going to college, see Paul again, moving out on your own 11. Marrying, starting a family, having a long term job 12. That time at camp when we played that game where u hit ppl wiht a bag to make them fall off a log. I remember these litle girls got hurt, and u helped them out.
Now to answer a few burning questions you have Sam: I have one brother - Kevin he's 16 and live with both my parents. Currently I live at home but I'm planning on attending MCC in Jaunary. Hobbies: WAY too ,many to list them all. I'm a hands on person. Crafts, painting ect. Emily: I chose SWW becuase unlike a traditional high school SWW offeres you the oppotunity to be yourself. By that I mean you get to chose what classes to take, when you take them and for how long. In away SWW is the bridge between high school and college. We don't believe in standerized education or even standerized test. waht job do you know of makes you take a 3 hour test just to get in? Not any I know of. 2) Sunday 1:30, Greece ridge meet in Barnes and Noble.
Comments 3
Family? Hobbies? Future plans? I have no clue...lol
3 things you've always been afraid to tell me
Uhh...I'm a serial killer? jk uhh...I guess i'm afraid to tell u my deepest darkest secret...I'm Jewish
3 things you've always wanted to say to me
Claire!!! It's so good to see you again!
Uhh...mazel tov on ur marriage to paul
Sup home dawg? :-P
3 songs I remind you of
Well...here comes the sun...duhhhh
Do that thing u do...the movie we watched when I first met u
3 colors that descibe my personality
ur LJ colors
3 words that define who I am
3 people I remind you of
Claire, Claire, Claire,
1 qoute or song lyric to describe me
"Claire is so cool"
-Sam H. :-P
1 verb to describe me
3 things you see me doing in the next 5 years
Brikty advisor
3 things you see me doing in ten years
Marrying paul
1 funny/ serious or just plain awesome memory you have of me.
2. You're one of my best friends, I love you, you're amazing to me.
3. See number 2
4. The Channukah Song (since we sang it in teh mall to combat Christmas music), Let it Be, (insert third song here)
5. red for outgoing, blue for calm, green becuase I like green.
6. kind, compassionate, friendly
7. Willow from camp, Grasshopper from camp, and NOT Karen and Nicole from camp
8. "I get by with a little help from my friends." -the Beatles
9. smiling
10. Going to college, see Paul again, moving out on your own
11. Marrying, starting a family, having a long term job
12. That time at camp when we played that game where u hit ppl wiht a bag to make them fall off a log. I remember these litle girls got hurt, and u helped them out.
Sam: I have one brother - Kevin he's 16 and live with both my parents. Currently I live at home but I'm planning on attending MCC in Jaunary. Hobbies: WAY too ,many to list them all. I'm a hands on person. Crafts, painting ect.
Emily: I chose SWW becuase unlike a traditional high school SWW offeres you the oppotunity to be yourself. By that I mean you get to chose what classes to take, when you take them and for how long. In away SWW is the bridge between high school and college. We don't believe in standerized education or even standerized test. waht job do you know of makes you take a 3 hour test just to get in? Not any I know of. 2) Sunday 1:30, Greece ridge meet in Barnes and Noble.
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