
Jan 28, 2008 20:20

I have an exam tomorrow, so I am, of course, looking for any reason to put off studying. It's just how I roll.

Also, I learned today that Paige is just dumb and took not getting a prompt letter from Housing to mean that she didn't have it. She does. According to my parents, I am the unluckiest girl on campus. It's a very pathetic title.

Questions ( Read more... )

procrastinating, meme

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Comments 20

dollsome January 29 2008, 01:30:04 UTC
If I Loved You was totally one of my voice lessons songs years and years ago! And I got nostalgic a couple of days ago and sang it like 8397532 times while doing the dishes. Pity my roommates.

I have never actually seen Carousel, though.

Also, questions for me, por favor!

(Also, I totally love your userpic quotes. :D)


sunshine_queen January 29 2008, 01:40:03 UTC
I'm glad you like my quotes! Heh, and all this time I thought no one cared.

Watch Carousel, woman.


1. You're given a chance to time travel! You can go anywhere you want and choose your position, and take one person and one thing with you, Where do you go, what do you do, who do you take, and what do you bring?

2. You can only read one book for the rest of your life, forever and ever, amen. Which book is it? (And series don't count. One individual book. Don't be crafty.)

3. What celebrity terrifies you the most?

4. What is your favorite word in the world?

5. Marry, boff or kill: Ryan Seacrest, Steve Carell, Richard Armitage.


snapplesons January 29 2008, 01:37:59 UTC
Wow. You listed, like, every movie ever made.

Also. I'm thinking that we should do dinner. Are you free on Thursday?


sunshine_queen January 29 2008, 01:40:31 UTC
Yes'm, I am! (I did list all the movies ever made. I love them all!)

Er... I guess you want questions! Since you commented!

1. Favorite TV comedy?
2. Lisa Edelstein is, for some reason, walking around campus. Do you approach her?
3. You can boff one actor from any decade. It will be awesome and mind-blowing. Who's the lucky man?
4. What would your ideal major be? Expert in House, MD? Lisa Edelsteinology? Make it awesome.
5. What's the one magical superpower you would want?


snapplesons January 29 2008, 01:55:49 UTC
Oh man. You ask hard questions.

(Haha, and I totally thought I typed musicals. Whatever.


sunshine_queen January 29 2008, 02:04:42 UTC
I do ask hard questions! I get hard questions, man!


raptor47 January 29 2008, 01:38:15 UTC
I have to say in the Alias finale, when Jack was dying and he made Syd leave, and then he stood up so that the last time Sydney saw her father he would be standing on his own two feet. It decimates me.



yahtzee63 January 29 2008, 01:40:19 UTC
Seconded. I'm kind of choked up thinking about it.


sunshine_queen January 29 2008, 01:41:34 UTC
It's heartbreaking!

1. What is the one thing you would have loved above all else to see happen on Alias?
2. Someone has said, "Yahtzee is genius! We are now turning one of her fanfics into an Alias movie." Which one would you like to see on the big screen? Would you tweak anything?
3. What is one of Rambaldi's creations (or prophecies) that you'd like for him to explain to you in great detail? What questions would you ask?
4. What city do you want to visit next?
5. You can only read fanfic for one pairing for the rest of your life. Which pair is it?


raptor47 January 29 2008, 01:53:00 UTC
Hmm...maybe we need to correct that...


oregonblondie January 29 2008, 01:53:51 UTC
Oooh, interesting answers. And to risk making myself seem a stalker, I remember reading all your icon quotes before I friended you and then going away and finding you agian and being like "gah MUST FRIEND". So, yeah. I stalked your icons for a little while.

I want more questions!


sunshine_queen January 29 2008, 02:04:06 UTC
I feel a teensy bit like a rockstar, I must admit.

1. You are allowed to eat one candy for the rest of forever. What is it? Fun size or regular size?
2. What's your favorite myth?
3. What's your favorite show/movie/actor to icon?
4. You get to party like a rock star. What famous person do you most want at your side?
5. What is your favorite quote?


xenaamber January 30 2008, 00:49:22 UTC
Okay, I'm game.

Did you vote, btw? Inquiring minds want to know.


sunshine_queen January 30 2008, 01:09:44 UTC
Yep, absentee ballot for Obama.

1. What is your favorite breed of dog?
2. What was the best birthday present you ever received?
3. Once and for all, one word answer: US or UK?
4. What is one thing you've always wanted to make but haven't yet?
5. Which of Shakira's song is your absolute fave?


xenaamber January 30 2008, 04:00:49 UTC
Good girl. :D

Damn you, those are hard to answer!

1. Weimaraners, bearded collies, Dalmatians. I never much cared for small dogs (Sugar excepted), but I'm beginning to warm up to them.

2. My car, as a belated 18th birthday present. (And, if I may be corny for a moment, a stuffed animal that my best friend gave me when I was five... don't speak to the friend anymore, but I still have the animal.)

3. Both. :P (It's one word!)

4. You mean cooking, I assume? Ummmmm... just ONE? I want to try a huge Thanksgiving-type dinner where I'm in charge. And I wish I was brave enough to deep fry things, but 1) it scares me and 2) I hate wasting all that oil.

5. Inevitable, because it sums up everything I like about her -- and at the same time, you have to hear it to truly "get it", just like Shakira herself.


sunshine_queen January 30 2008, 04:59:43 UTC
That's a sucky answer and you know it. If you want questions, you need to answer what you're asked: one or the other.


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