Title: Last of his kind
Characters/Pairings: Caroline/Ditzy, Helen/Becker, Blade
Rating: NC-17
Warning: character death, apocalypse!fic
Summary: Written in the Sunday Chat. Vampire fic!
Last of his kind
She knew the time would come, she had known it for a long time. This isn't just some epic pre-Christmas doomsday flick, this is really happening. An unconquerable, manic dance into non-existence of humanity. This is ultimate war. And humans are nothing more than resources - the more you have, the more powerful you are. Cannonfudder and food, nothing more.
It had started with an accident, like these things usually do. A slight glitch in the system, barely noticeable. The deaths no one could prevent were easily covered up - until they weren't. First there was anger against the government, that's always the customary first step, it was only when there was no government left and humans were too scared to think that they turned to their most ancient ally - violence.
Unstoppable riots and anarchy made them easy preys and only hastened their demise. Protecting them from themselves was futile but Caroline tried anyway, joining forces with Helen in this epic fight to save an undeserving humanity from extinction. Until one day Blade was captured after saving a young woman, killing a Predator practically with his bare hands. Caroline saw as he was set on fire in Trafalgar square, his screams drowned out by the angry cries of humans brought up on Dracula.
After that day humans were left alone in their hopeless fight for survival. A few were turned, most were used as bait or stored in large storage rooms for later use. A few small groups were still hiding for a while, hoping that they could outwit the Predators, still so confident in their own superiority that they couldn't see by how much the Predators' intelligence surpassed their. Soon the earth was be rid of them altogether, and Caroline is tired of pretending she's not as relieved as Helen is.
But the end of humanity was just the beginning of a war that will last until the ends of time, a war not recorded in history books, a war between unimaginable powers. And vampires will win, Caroline keeps trying to convince herself, human's had been keeping them back, without them they have a real chance. They will give new life to this world. But for that they cannot allow any sign of weakness.
She doesn't ask, Ditzy's answer has been clear from the start. Caroline doesn't know why he still clings to his dying race so much, why he's so intent on sharing the fate of those who burned his friend alive. But she won't let him end up torn to pieces or starved to death in this barren world.
He's beautiful. Naked chest glistening with sweat. The veins in his neck straining against pale skin. Mouth open in a mute cry of desire as she rides him in wanton need. Eyes locked with hers, caving in the deep pits of her very soul. And Caroline can't help but wonder if he knows she wishes she was as cruelly selfish as Helen who turned Becker against his will, forcing survival into his bones.
She kisses him one last time, swallowing his confession of love, killing her own response dead before it could be born. She cries out against his neck as he grips her hips with strong fingers, his hot, warm, hard cock flooding her insides with white life, eyes firmly shut in overwhelming bliss even as her fangs break his skin. He's beautiful as he paints the sheets red. The most beautiful thing left to this wrecked planet. The last human. The last living, breathing, loving human.