Reborn? ~ Six connected drabbles (can be read alone)

Oct 12, 2009 10:55

Chase doesn’t protest, doesn’t plead, doesn’t even ask why, just keeps looking at you with those large puppy eyes and it’s you who has to look away to hide unwanted emotions. He’s not crushed, not even a little worried because he knows it won’t last, you won’t be able to stay away.

This isn’t the first time and won’t be the last either.

You always push him away because you know it’s in his best interest but you’ve never been good at fighting addictions and when he wraps his lips around your cock you easily forget about his fractured soul.

Title: Everything You Want
Pairing: Chase/Wilson
Rating: R
Word Count: 100

Everything You Want

Wilson never tests your boundaries and prods just as much as necessary to slowly put the little pieces of your soul back together. Wilson never shoves his cock just a bit too deep down your throat, never makes you hurt all over, soul more than body. Wilson never calls you a liar either but wraps himself in your lies like a shared blanket that’s only slightly clashing with the colour of his own, much more carefully constructed ones.

Wilson is not House. And that’s just what you need to get through the day but it still bores you to death.

Title: Almost Lover
Pairing: past Chase/Cameron
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

Almost Lover

You see him sometimes in the corridors, rushing by, always in pretence hurry to avoid annoying colleagues or the adoring looks of nurses. But he always has time to give you a fleeting smile that you never quite believe. Maybe it’s House’s influence neither of you could escape, maybe those three years have infected you with constant doubt, maybe it’s just called growing up. You remember a time when you dreamt of Chase pushing harder, forcing you to surrender, but he never did and maybe it’s better this way. Maybe you’re lucky you don’t have to bother with his nightmares.

Title: Beautiful Goodbye
Pairing: Chase/Cuddy
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100

Beautiful Goodbye

She wants your baby - that’s not quite true, she wants a baby, you are just a necessary evil. Or so you think until one day she storms into diagnostics and ignoring House’s protests drags you back to her office, a radiant smile spreading oh her face as she tells you she’s going to have your child and for a moment you find her almost beautiful. She wants you to be part of the baby’s life, she wants you to propose, she wants you to leave diagnostics. That’s when you end it, with a small kiss on your newborn daughter’s cheek.

Title: First Day of My Life
Pairing: Chase/Foreman
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 100

First Day of My Life

You see him at Kutner’s funeral again and it takes you aback how weary he looks. A weary, faithless angel in black suit, golden hair falling in his eyes. And you can’t help but wonder who’s fucking him now. Maybe no one, maybe all, maybe he really is a demon sent to earth to tempt humankind one fuck at a time. Maybe that’s just stupid. Large innocent eyes look up at you, in a flash of lightning making you see sweaty, naked white strain under your dark shadow and you make a quick mental note to reconsider that demon theory.

Title: Losing My Religion
Character: Chase
Rating: R (for ideas some might see as a tad offensive, though they obviously weren't meant like that but who know, better safe than sorry)
Word Count: 100

Losing My Religion

When nothing helps anymore you try talking to Him again, trembling fingers uncertainly closing around the rosary, you can still smell the faint scent of fresh sin on them. You’re too sure of your failure to immediately notice unexpected warmth washing over your doubting body like a summer rain and you almost laugh out loud when you can suddenly feel the age-old pull again. You’re saved… you’re… But when you open your eyes it’s not the crucifix you gaze upon but a young priest with eyes like wet black coal and maybe House was right: you’re damned for all eternity.

chase/cuddy, cameron/chase, chase/house, chase/foreman, chase/wilson

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