Mom's about the same.
No, I haven't seen Turtles yet. That'll be tomorrow evening. But Marvel and I have been watching the cartoons, so the theme song is pretty stuck in my head.
There are a lot of episodes that are really, REALLY wrong, by the way. Last night, the Villain Du Jour tortured these children to find out where the Treasure Du Jour was, by tying them up, and tickling their feet with a feather. Either I'm perverted, or the episode was. (Can't it be both? Quiet, you.)
My weekend was okay. Some highlights:
1) Friday night involved Grandpa's homemade stew, which I'm pretty sure can cure cancer, it's so delicious, homemade wine, which Marvel and I agreed, tastes exactly like what you used to imagine wine tasted like when you were a little kid (sort of like the most awesome grape juice ever, if you weren't the type of little kid who daydreamed about what wine tasted like. We were.), and
Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI, which, for me, finally crossed the Jason series over the line from "improbable" to "utterly fucking ridiculous". I look forward to seeing the rest.
2) Saturday involved me finally settling on a new pair of work shoes (my first pair bit the dust from constant wear, my second pair kept giving me blisters and refused to be "broken in" even after a full year of wearing them), spending over $100 in lingerie (...ooh), and Grandpa agreeing (in his own, non-admitting it way) to buying me a Wii...only to find out EVERY SINGLE STORE WITHIN A 20 MILE RADIUS WAS SOLD OUT. Forgive me for being coarse, but that fucking BLOWS. I can't believe I was so close to a Wii, and was denied. Ugh. Oh, but we also visited my old comic book store, and the same guy STILL works there. He was about the closest thing I had to a friend back when I used to visit every other weekend from age 13 to age...16 or 17, so seeing him (and getting to tell him my Crow comic collection is finally complete) is always kind of a trip. Also, Marvel got into buying Marvel Zombies, which amuses me, because he really thought, somehow, that he was going to resist their siren call. Now let's all laugh at him for being such a consumer whore. (And how!)
3) Sundays are always a total wash, because transportation always takes for-freaking-ever, and I end up more exhausted than when I left. But I came home to new markers from
mobobocita, and I swear to god, they were wrapped as if the sellers thought they were made out of antique china or something.
I really need to go through the Links section of Sailor Moon Avatars one of these days. First of all, a lot of those links are D-E-D, dead. For another, a lot of them are not Sailor Moon or cosplay related at all, and while that wasn't a big deal when SMA was my only website, now that I have two more personal sites, that's where they belong. But, at any rate, this was my very first link on my very first website, and it's the very first place I ever submitted anything:
Stuff and Nonsense (Note: the link is actually a Wayback Archive link, as the actual site is dead.)
Lots of stuff there, but what's really of interest (to me, anyhow) is my
(Notes I've added today are in parenthesis.)
(If sometimes you can't hear me, I'm in parenthesis.)
19 Years Old (Was I ever less than 20? Will I ever look older than 21?)
New York
3rd Generation
The way I appear is very often completely different than the way I really am. The public persona I cultivate is a perky, flirtatious female, and while that's not too far from the truth, it just doesn't end there. If I am cheerful it is not because I am ditzy but because of my unshakable belief that everything happens to bring about a positive end result, no matter how hard things might be now. If I am flirtatious, it is because I believe it is possible to love more than one person, just perhaps to varying degrees. Love is never jealous. The more you give you more you have. Love Multiplies!
(I told you I used to be a lot more articulate. Having time to think before you type, and just to think in general, must've been wonderful. I don't know; I've forgotten how that feels.)
(Also, I was a lot more positive, wasn't I? And really trying to further the polyamory propaganda. Not that I've ever stopped doing that, really, I just got a lot less...obvious about it. Heh.)
I try to be vividly aware of life as it happens, attentive to as many details as my mind can absorb. (I would never think of phrasing that this way now, but yeah. Pretty apt. Damn, I wish I still talked like this.) I try to run my brain as I would any computer, I see everything in percentages of probabilities and command lines in programs. Some people might think that makes me cold and calculating...but I can assure you, I can be running calculations while you are in my arms, and you will feel nothing but pure warmth.
(You're welcome to give that a shot...)
I am considered lazy by people who don't know me well, like my family, (zing!) but nothing can be further than the truth when I am motivated. There are many things I am very passionate about, all having to do with love and joy, and when I am on a mission, I will give my all. I am impulsive--I list that as a good thing, so are most forces of nature--(I'm pretty arrogant here, aren't I? Well, I still am, I'm just much more subdued about it. Or, rather, I'm so arrogant now, I'd never lower myself to the level of forces of nature) rather intuitive, and, again, when passionate, extremely energetic. (I'm pretty sure this is a come-on. But, it's also true.) I would also say I am multiversally aware...anyone who would like to know more should introduce it as a topic on this site, then I would be happy to eloquently expound...
(Yeah, I don't really talk about that anymore. Objectivism fights wildly for me to not believe in ANYTHING I can't measure, so it gets even-numbered days, and the multi-verse gets odd. Or something.)
I go to St. Joseph's College in Brooklyn, an itty bitty campus with 90% women population...I'm still getting adjusted to that, even though I just completed my sophomore year there. I'm an English major, but that's mainly because they don't have a drama major there, which is my first love. Most of my time there is devoted to our drama society, Chapel Players--come see me in a show sometime! {Webmaster} can attest to the quality of the productions...
So my favorite things to do are watch Sailor Moon in the original Japanese--with subtitles, I can't speak it...yet..., (not much has changed in...yikes, SEVEN years) I love to act and to sing and, to a lesser degree, dance--I might enjoy it more if I could tell my left from my right. I enjoy my time online, I enjoy my solitude with my flute or my piano, (not much anymore...) reading--Number of the Beast is one of my all time favorite books, I highly recommend it--, (what, had I not read Stranger yet?) and writing and drawing and any number of other reality-creation-type activities.
My style varies from day to day. I occasionally try to follow whatever trend is popular, but I have this power, see. I imagine I must have been born with it. Anyway, the power is that I can put on any fashionable item, be it sunglasses or a dress, that will look fine on ANYBODY else, and I can make it look ridiculous. Honest! (THIS IS STILL TRUE!) Luckily, there is a balance of power that I can take things that are out of fashion, such as a children's Superman shirt, and actually make it look cute. The Powers That Be work in mysterious ways. As for music, my favorites are the Eagles, Metallica, Weird Al, Meatloaf, and a lot of scores from Broadway shows. (Again, about the same.) A good word for me is eclectic.
Wow. This is long. I'm going to go now.
If anyone e-mails me with questions, I'd be happy to write back and/or post a reply...
In summation, I was a lot more positive, more conspicuously confident even though I *think* I'm more self-assured now, and HOLY LIVING CRAP I MISS THE DAYS WHEN I COULD FINISH A SENTENCE WITHOUT A TORMENTING LITTLE BELL RINGING EVERY THIRTY SECONDS. I swear to God, I love my job, but sometimes it feels like the interruption of the ringing telephone is like some form of mind-control Hitler invented. I'd probably BE a lot more eloquent, a lot more positive, and a lot more helpful, if every single stimulus in my immediate situation didn't have ultimate veto power over me, I swear to God.
(Sorry, it's just that this tiny entry took about an hour to write...and it really shouldn't have. Can't I have ten lousy minutes where I'm not interrupted? Is that really so freaking much to ask for? Why does everything have to be answered/attended to NOW? Is it really that freaking urgent?)
Sorry to end up in a bad mood. Auditory torture will do that to you.
On a MUCH lighter note,
Happy Birthday,
Happy Birthday,
[EDIT]: This thought about "selling myself" has been floating around in my head for months now, but this analogy to Gail Wynand just occurred to me today, so I thought I'd set it down. The amount of people who would be able to "get" the reference fully has unfortunately dwindled, due to circumstances somewhat out of my control, but I feel the need to say it anyway.
Gail Wynand thought he had a blank check on the masses because he sold his soul to them years ago. It just goes to show how highly he thought of himself, that he thought the price of his soul was worth all of public opinion at any given time he chose.
I’m selling myself every single minute of the day, but I believe I’m purchasing the kind of world in which I wish to live. I wonder if I’m making the same kind of mistake. Or perhaps I’m overestimating myself--Wynand was never born to be a second-rater. Of course, none of us WERE “born” to be, but maybe I have no reason to believe my soul is worth even an instant of anyone else’s time.