Orchestra fun

May 31, 2017 00:32

ANNIE was awesome! The season finished on 2Oth May with two shows: a matinee and an evening performance. We did 11 shows over 10 days. Everyone was dead chuffed that the show sold over 4000 seats; they would have been happy to sell 1200 and break even. I can't say enough about the amazing cast. We have some awesome talent here in our town. The ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

mundungus42 May 30 2017, 15:23:27 UTC
I've never played in a pit orchestra before, but having been on the other side, I imagine it can be a bit touch and go, especially when the actors onstage mess up :D I'm so glad you had fun, despite some pretty dramatic differences between playing in a band and having to synch with dozens of people on stage and learning how to respond to a conductor. And really, each conductor is different. I mean, they all learn how to give a beat clearly, but some of them are above such petty concerns and just wave their hands in big circles, leaving everybody to figure out for themselves what beat the bottom of the circle is. Or trying to get everybody to play softly by putting their hands below where they can be seen. That's another favorite :D

My dad was recently in a pit band for South Pacific, and he loved complaining to me about it (especially the challenging keys), which was entertaining for both of us, especially since we both knew he loved doing it :D


teshara May 29 2022, 14:39:52 UTC
Happy birthday!


teshara May 29 2023, 15:16:03 UTC

Happy birthday!


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