"I just have to keep reminding myself that I'm not a complete failure, and that everyone doesn't hate me." Anna said, quietly "But I don't want to die anymore, so I just have to get over it, and do something about these lawyer fucks."
The slayer looked down, and realized that she hated feeling like this. She knew it would all fade away, and that she wasn't a complete failure, and that people didn't hate her- but she hated even having the doubts in her head.
"Just remember, babe. What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. We're in this together now, sweets. If you DO fail? It just means I'm right there, failing with ya. I don't let my friends go down. If they do? I'm goin' down with them. And jesus christ, I wasn't even TRYING to make that sound as dirty as it did."
"Long as you add on a surcharge for extra girls." Anna said, quietly. She was joking, right? "Uh, want something to eat? V made dinner for everyone..."
Ming settled down on the couch, watching all the activity going on. She didn't know quite what she should be doing, so she just picked at her food and watched the fun.
"Okay, everyone," Vito said, when people had settled, eaten and talkd a bit. "As all of you know -- some more than others -- there's an organization called Wolfram and Hart active in the area. They have a reputation for ruthlessness, known ties to demons and other sorts of unpleasant outsiders, and, recently, a possible subversion of an SIT under the guidance ot the Watchers' Council.
"This past weekend, a spell they had cast on the Slayer herself came to a head, and while tragedy was averted, it could have ended much worse than it did. So we need to identify who Wolfram and Hart has working in the area; identify where they work and where they live; and figure out precisely what needs to be done to get them out of our city."
Michael shot Tina a look, since she had mentioned possibly recognizing the spell's caster. "And they're still doing it," he added, waving the envelope.
"Bill is here." Tina said "Magda is a spellcaster... I think that's her work, I haven't confirmed it though. They have a small coven of witches. The house in the woods is destroyed, so I don't know where they are any more. Dorian, Lindsey, Brody... they're all lawyers. Mark, Sallie, Drea... they're all demons just sent to cause trouble. They have other lawyers, and I know they have other plans. The spell on that letter is a terrible one, and once the triggers are used, it's hard to break. I can- I will help on the magic end of things, but they're really big. Even if we get rid of them in Sunnydale- they're in other cities, and... people come back after they die. I know that for a fact."
Comments 67
Gwen walked over and hugged her newest friend tightly, whispering in her ear.
"Everything cool from the other day? You hangin' in alright?"
The slayer looked down, and realized that she hated feeling like this. She knew it would all fade away, and that she wasn't a complete failure, and that people didn't hate her- but she hated even having the doubts in her head.
This would eventually make her stronger, right?
Gwen raised a brow, trying not to laugh.
"I wonder when we're going to start the meeting?"
"This past weekend, a spell they had cast on the Slayer herself came to a head, and while tragedy was averted, it could have ended much worse than it did. So we need to identify who Wolfram and Hart has working in the area; identify where they work and where they live; and figure out precisely what needs to be done to get them out of our city."
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